Twox moment

1  2020-01-18 by MasterLawlzFan


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She posts on r/plussize

Owning the patriarchy by giving money to De Beers.

They should just sticky this post. "I may never get married" should be 2x's official motto.

Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. Twox moment -,

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TwoX is populated by fat unlikable hags and male feminists, more news at 11

Also troons


Look at that hand, thats not a woman, that's a "woman".

A hog

Woman (male)

Woman (schlong)


At some point in this year (2019) I stopped questioning the reason behind foids' acts. I also don't question the mentally retarded guy in our neighborhood.

You should, retards are at least intriguing.

Retards:1 women:0


But its 2020

What kind of stupid are you? No, it's 2019.

Peak femcel >v<

may never get married

fat hand


You can get all your expenses paid for the rest of your life as long as you don't shove your face full of food all day every day and somehow that's too much for 65% of ladies.

You can even be overweight and get married, you can just find a retarded boot if your fat. If you can't even do that your also insufferable.

Literally not even that. Just don't eat to the point of immobility and moids while still marry them.

I feel bad for them

"big fingers"

What's the equivalent to a dude doing this?

Really sad tbh. It's like a constant reminder that they're alone.

This is, because that’s probably a dude

That is probably a fat man troid.

Spending all their disposable income on funko pops and Nintendo fan art

Even that isn’t quite this.

Im thinking the dude who made a fake Facebook account for his made up girlfriend from band camp.

Marrying his pillow waifu

Marrying the first person that touches your wiener

I‘m ashamed to admit having been on the female end of this. Obviously without wanting to commit and no subsequent wedding lol

Sex doll.

Men gatekeep committment. She got a ring.

Women gatekeep sex and procreation.

Damn you're fucking right. Moids got the better deal tbh.

Also is why Incel == femaledatingstrategy

Low value men can't get sex. Low value women can't get the guy to stick around.

Personally, I don't see any issue, it is evolution in action. We just need a war every generation to get rid of the incels and relegalize harems for FDS.


spending money on blood diamonds


It really is peak cope disguised as self-empowerment. An actually 'empowered and independent woman' wouldn't even want a useless rock, especially considering how stupidly expensive they've become.

The worst is when reddit gives dating advice. Full of coping. "Some people remain lonely until they finally find someone at 50 and that's ok!", as if that's going to console someone in his 20's who fears of being alone.

Look at this shit:

You're gonna spend 2/3rds of your life miserable and alone, but hey, once you're too old to have kids and everyone in your age bracket is fat and ugly, you'll find someone!

Thanks, why don't I kill myself right now. Jesus

niggers thinking literally every retarded thing a woman does is "empowering" is my main trigger with liberal feminism


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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Millennial? Was that the trigger word?

Jannies be trying to remove "politics" from /r/drama

They're probably mad that this place swings more rightoid but that's how it's always been and how it should be

Do these women even think about their egg count/age relation graph

calling Steven Molynews

Your eggs, hand them over so I can count them

Mollymeme is that you?

Chief Egg Inspector to you, cuck

Even their hands have hit the wall and are fat.

Oh boy thems is some big meaty claws.

Obese foid buys diamond ring from cartel to smash the patriarchy

Hot damn, that ring looks like a fucking girdle around her finger! I bet a man would have at least been able to get her ring size right.

it'll snap, hit someone in the temple and kill them


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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Quick question for materialistcels. What would a ring like this cost?

Not a lot. Few hundred.

Wow. My COPE usually doesn't cost me anything.

Now everyone thinks you are married..... Bro code is not to date girls who are married.

The irony

to which she replied

Is it irony? I mean, if they are dumb enough to look at my right hand and see a ring and think I’m married... I probably don’t want to be with them anyway Hahahaha

All jokes aside, it’s on my non-wedding hand so I think we’re good if that ever comes up haha

...bruh who even fucking knows which hand is your "wedding hand?" And, even if they did, the safer assumption would be that you're retarded and put it on the wrong hand rather than that you're this pathetic.

literally everyone who isn't retarded knows which finger means marriage holy fuck

The finger, not the hand, numbnuts. Imagine even caring enough to know which hand you're supposed to wear the ring on.

ring finger, left hand, go outside some time

imagine being proud of knowing this lmao

imagine never having any social interaction with physical human beings in the real world

oh wait you don't have to

This is boring. You're boring. Be better.

Fuckin' hell, an entire thread full of real-life Miss Havishams.