The Extreme Satanic Femcel Energy Awakens: "you are a straight male with no emotional intelligence who cant make her cum. im a misandrist dyke demoness who prayed under a waning moon and sacrificed peacock tears to maria magdalene for her hand in marriage. we are not the same." Replies full of trigg

1  2020-01-18 by Funkyduffy


Femcels need to be bullied more

woke up agitated today but i just squirted and im feeling at peace and in uni0n with the divine. good evening. how is everyone

Her tweet history is amazing.

update life is good. i bought a consecrated vibrator from a tantric. im flying tomorrow to pak!stan to claim my share in my dead hom0phobic mother’s inheritance and steal her jewelry as r3paration. for her soul’s peace ill be doing love spells for the g*ys at 50% off this weekend

i had a really cute outfit planned for the trmp* death ritual but i guess that i can't do that anymore now because the threat of w@r is over. im gonna film something though. the outfit's too cute to not do anything. i think im gonna do a q and a. ask me questions.


i came home last night, blacked out and woke up with my vibrator inside my pussy & tequila spilt all over my bed.. ovaries are burning vagene is swollen but that's okay serotonin levels are high first time in an year hby how are you doing

Can some one mod her?

i think she might have a substance abuse problem

All the more reason to mod her. We all know about your history with alcohol, snally.

she would fit right in!

God damn lol, foids never want to cut another foid in on their slice of the internet. Its like watching two strange cats meet.


Yes, it applies even when both individuals in question are trans!

what are you talking about?

Are you drunk again? Check your pockets for notes left by your sober self! They are your signposts to sobriety!


Your shirt may also have a pocket, don't forget to check there too!

i'm still not really sure what you're trying to get at. can you give me the key takeaways?

  1. Women attack other women who try to join the same online spaces as they do.
  2. This is particularly true when there are few women in that space.
  3. You missed these points because you are drunk.
  4. I suspect this happens to you often enough that you pen reminders for yourself and leave them in your pockets.

you actually did it 🀣🀣🀣

Empathy is a practiced trait. I hope you found those notes and they helped you!

>tweet from trainwreck about blacking out and waking up with vibrator in vagina >'she has a substance abuse problem she would fit right in'

>'wow that's so mean have you ever considered thinking about her feelings?'


Dear lord, you're so drunk you're even using new reddit :(

Check the source bud


If you put '/' in front of '>' then you get meme arrows, though I suspect that you knew that and are trying to copy my previous post because you don't really have anything else to say

I suspect that you knew that and are trying to copy my previous post because you don't really have anything else to say

you actually did it 🀣🀣🀣

wow, have you ever heard of a little something called empathy? πŸ’…

-10 DKP for not just copying and pasting my remark.

is that some kind of g*mer shit?

Its an investment vehicle

Good morning

i guess that i can't do that anymore now because the threat of w@r is over.

And that's stopping her from the ritual, how?

ovaries are burning vagene is swollen but that's okay serotonin levels are high first time in an year hby how are you doing

Yup, totally a stable individual and not a schizo femcel.


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No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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When did mental illness become a personality trait

when this sub started

One of the fun parts of my brand new 300 character limit is I can put the full tweet in the title

moids mad


nigga wat

Lol @ that first reply going straight for spongebob & the diet gamer word, straight to business

Witches aren't as powerful as wizards, it's just a fact.

True. I’ve seen The Wiz.

title like one of those tiktok pov videos

brand new 300 character requirement

wild considering I'm an approvedcel

you can bypass it by using both upper and lower case letters, at least two numbers and two special characters, and six emojis

πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸΏ .0K4y πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸΏ .F4m πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸΏ

>Using new Reddit πŸ™„

45% of lesbos

45% of lesbos

have what?

Within the LGBT population... 45% of lesbians have told their fathers.

Just under half of Americans (45%) say they think engaging in homosexual behavior is a sin.

The number of young people identifying as bisexual has risen by 45% over the last three years.

45% of heterosexual adults believe that gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to marry in the US

between 45% and 80% of lesbians are currently involved in a romantic relationship

45% of lesbos

have what?

Idk either, but I know lesbos love beating their partners. Maybe 45% of lesbian relationships are abusive? Sounds like it could be about right.

Using magic to get laid is like using roofies

Is magic consensual? Is casting a love spell on someone without their knowledge a form of rape?

Nothing is consensual in a patriarchal system, fam

I studied the blade

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. The Extreme Satanic Femcel Energy A... -,*

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This is what happens when you don't bully femcels who take dungeons and dragons seriously.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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I'm glad I'm not the same as a giant fucking autist lmao.