I dey 28 years and I neva get orgasm before

1  2020-01-18 by JLDupreeIII


I remember when everyone thought BBC pidgin was fake

my first time seeing it. I thought I had a stroke

I dey suffer from anorgasmia- condition wey mean say you no fit reach orgasm no mata how much dem ginger you

smfh 😢

I'd literally blow my fucking brains out.

Not even joking a bit.

The Sun Also Rises but it's about sex-starved incels


Bru u no dem don't be ginga you don be playn

no mata how much dem ginger you

That is some third-level kinky horsefucking

They need to do way instain mother who kill thier babbys, becuse these babby cant fright back? It was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids, they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest. my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots


Can someone please tell me what I'm looking at. I'm so fucking confused.

Bong tax dollars at work

Pidgin language. English but for Africans.

I'm having a stroke reading this shit

good 😈



Can we get Chet Hanks to do a reading for us?

Wen I dey young, I dey pretend say e no mata say I go sort di issue wen time reach. I go cari girls go house, we go sex but I go lose my erection and di mata go come make us feel somehow afta we finish.



Speak American smh

Did I have a stroke and forget English?

Get with the times Boomer

imagine not knowing ebonics

Pidgin translator pls


Wa dey men dis?

That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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Unironically feel really bad for this dude

Would you rather be able to never get a girl off and nut or never nut but make any girl get off 🤔🤔


Straights literally can't help themselves. The mods have been noticed.


Should have tought before being straight, shitlord.

from what I can understand yeah it's a shitty situation.

I dey 12 years wen one of our family friend sexually attack me and I tink say because of dat experience I neva fit reach orgasm wit anoda pesin. E don stop me from entering any serious relationship since I be teenager and I don dey reason say e no go ever happun for me.

This is really sad. Why would you laugh about this? There's absolutely nothing funny here.

whose laughing?

Hahaha hahaha why am I laughing at dey language so hard