has been down for several days now. One less source of lolcow milking

1  2020-01-19 by SageKnows




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Not cool man I love it when women tear each other down. Something special about it I can't quite put my finger on it.

They're doing the housework as god intended

Holy fuck

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


  1. has been d... -,*

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I never got around to checking it out. What was their specialty?

THey would create sophisticated threads discussing speicific personas on the Internet who generated drama. Was a gold mine of information on streamers, influencers and other online personas. It was all chronological too. Was very entertaining to read

How do you find stamina to get through sites like that were it's just one long-ass thread and most of the posts are pearl-clutching, blogging, ridiculous speculation, etc.? PULL and KF are unusable unless you follow a thread from the beginning and keep up with it or are interested enough in a cow to suffer through pages upon pages of the most boring content imaginable

kiwifarms but for foids

So kiwifarm ?

Isn’t that for troids?

I ma pretty sure troids hate kf.


Why are they down? I remember reading about them Anyway, I recommend kiwifarms, /cow/ and

Maybe some development in the Vic Mignogna lawsuit?

Nah, that thing's still heading over to appeals. I don't think it could have done anything.

That's a shame. Hopefully they get their shit together. They have a literal decade of internet drama catalogued and it'd be a shame to deprive our future ancestors of the historical fact that Dakota Koti totally still shoops her pix on IG.

Please tell me that someone's been archiving PULL

Dakota Koti

LITERALLY every 'influencer' with a pair of tits and a butt does that. There are no naturals on IG

Dakota was big before Instagram blew up and you could edit pics on your phone; she was basically the OG more-photo-editing-software-than-person internet celebrity at a time where most people couldn't detect shoop. She even deceived talent agencies in Japan, who flew her over to become a model in some big publications or w/e. The first time she appeared in a video on some gameshow or commercial was mind-blowing for the people who were following her because she looked completely different. Her career fizzled out pretty quickly because potential clients weren't interested in having to shoop the fuck out of a model to make them appealing and she'd made some gaffes on television so now she's kind of just languishing there, probably tugged along by a visa husbando.

Oh damn I DID NOT know that many details, gonna read up on her

She's pretty milquetoast as far as egregious shoopers go given that it's commonplace now, but she was one of the first and had a huge following/hate following, so she will always have a special place in e-drama history. The best part is that her sister is the infamous Kiki Kannibal.

She does seem to have grown up, or at least refrains from broadcasting her dirty laundry on social media/using social media for validation, so she's no longer really a cow; the only people keeping up with her are bitter losers who are jealous that she got to live their totemo kawaii Weeb Dream.

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