Furries stage a hostile takeover of r/JusticeServed and all hell breaks loose

1  2020-01-19 by KaaraRaven


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Every week that mod manufactures some new "drama" in the sub. Kind of reminds me of certain other jannies. Hmmmm

Let's be real this is all Drama users' ultimate Reddit goal - get a top mod position in a big sub and just fuck with it to upset people over mundane stuff.

He got ~400 replies in /r/JusticeServed over this, ~200 comments in SRD (1/3 of it crying about getting banned from that sub), 2 weeks ago TUMOR produced 800 seething comments just because of a ban message.

Yeah it's all manufactured and not exactly high effort, but Redditors are so easy to upset it's unreal.

Where's the Sardian thread?

The same Mod did this not long ago on another sub, but I can’t remember which one.

Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. Furries stage a hostile takeover of... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Wow, I didn't know arrrdrama mods also mod justiceserved

This manufactured drama is actually less entertaining than a lawlz sticky. Please be better hun.


people are still pretending that Lawlz stickies are unfunny

It’s about time people started to appreciate them for the art the truly are.

Lawlz stickies exist in a post humour society.

Yeah its really just going "hurr durr look at how retarded I am" to 1 million people

Well lawz stickies are the patricians choice

It's nice to see at least some non cringe subs still hate furries. Feel like they've become wayyyy too accepted on most of reddit.

Lmao the 🐄 reported us to the super jannies at AHS

Yea I made a thread here linking to that post lol.

Incorrect, you are participating in the thread too and I don't see any dog getting fucked on that pic.

You've had some pretty good posts here ngl. "This sub is beyond saving" is probably one of the funniest things I've read. Hell you making fun of mentally challenged people puts you here right along us. There's plenty of dog fuckers here too.

Anyone who unironically posts on AHS has no place here. Unless he's a 4d chess level drama creator... 🤔😳

quit wanting to fuck animals, degenerate


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In about a week we're having a school dance at our school and a ton of people are going with girlfriends or have at least been asked out, and of course I'm all alone. I've been constantly been made fun of, called autistic, sped, anorexic, the whole shebang. Those words alone have already hurt me enough but with the dance coming up its striking more and more thoughts about my life and what I've done wrong and why kids are so popular and getting girlfriends for being jackasses yet friendly and caring kids are brushed to the side to be forgotten. I occasionally try from time to time to have better relationships with girls but it always ends up at me saying "what's the point, I don't have a chance at this."

Shit I didn't get to see his response before he deleted everything :(



I’m surprised there isn’t a unified effort to shut down furry conventions due to the rampant pedophilia and animal abuse

Our brave undercover agents are doing their best as diaperfurs to shut them down already

this but unironically

confirmed by Internet Historian

They just like shitting diapers and going to sabotage fur cons gives them a socially-acceptable reason to do so.


>shutting down the ultimate redpill which serves as a solution to all incels and betas

Lmao I used to be so pathetic chasing after foids in my youth, now I live my life patronizing the finer arts (like Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo) and learning fantastic new skills (like woodworking and painting). When I dealt with 3D females, I was always so distracted. Now I just fuck my dog whenever I want, and she's always willing. This is literally how it used to be before feminism was invented. Why do you think the Mongols were so obsessed with horses?

If you ask me, furries aren't based enough. This is why God put animals on this earth. Stay mad, betas. Enjoy your inferior human bussy.

dussy bros we out here

Paleo Indo-European anons and their mare brides. Only Allah's love is more pure.

I don't think i have ever felt more "in it" then I do right after reading this post.

Imagine being so fucking blind

Edit: your groups have pedophiles and animal abusers too, is what I mean. Why not shut down what you’re a part of for that reason?

Do not talk to me, animal rapist

How is it a cult? Besides, the lowest of the low of any group fuck animals. What makes us somehow worse than whatever you’re a member of, even though your group isn’t any different?

You practice beastiality and your cult is full of groomers

Why do you assume so much? Don’t you know that gets you nowhere with half of Gen Y and basically all of Z?

How dare people do a thing that they like >:((((

I unironically support labor camps for furries.

Sex with animals is wrong.

You mean the less than 1% of the community that the community fucking hates?

Lol cope. You’re literally in a community that sexualizes and humanizes animals. There’s no reason in the world to throw on a fursuit other than degenerate kinks and fantasy’s, and there’s nothing better to hide in to prey on children.

Furries Out!(x3)

Apprently having kinks is bad

Also apparently wearing a fursuit automatically makes you a pedo. Outstanding logic, y'all are embarrassing

Apprently having kinks is bad

Also apparently wearing a fursuit automatically makes you a pedo. Outstanding logic, y'all are embarrassing

Absolutely based

Putting a swastika on your arm doesn't make you a nazi, but it means you're down with nazis.

You've got it backwards, being a pedo makes you wear fursuits. Children aren't typically attracted to bearded smiling gamers, so they wear animal costumes to trick little kids into not being terrified of them.

Kinkshaming is my kink

That's hot disgusting

apparently having kinks is bad

Kinkshaming is not only okay but welcomed.

wearing a fursuit automatically makes you a pedo

Yes, this is correct.

Apprently having kinks is bad

This but unironically.

except bussy

bussy is never bad

Apprently having kinks is bad

correct and if we had a government worth its salt you'd be jailed for them. christian sharia would prevent this degeneracy.

having kinks is bad

Anything outside of heteralsexual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation is an affront in the eyes of Allah and the prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him.


Shut the fuck up you degenerate animal fucker.


Nearly 1 in 5 furries admitted to it. The rest of you are just too ashamed.

You should get a pitbull.

I don't think getting your info from some weird wiki site is the best idea

Also the survey was only of 3000 out of millions in the community

Can you send picks of you in your fursuit please :)?

Are you aware of how statistical sampling works?


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millions in the community

Doubt. There’s barely millions of gay people.

Yeah a wiki made and run by furries? If anything they'd be biased to make the numbers lower lol

Maybe they're so proud of the fact that they're fucking animals that they're exaggerating the numbers.


Exactly. I'm glad you understand

You and your kind need to be crucified

Do you realize that we have actual real life furry mods on this very subreddit?

And? We also have trannies. They're degenerates too.


Oh you are a maximum piece of trash, fuck off transphobe

Seethe and dilate, troid. Seethe and dilate.

This sub is beyond saving

It was fucked beyond saving before it was conceived mate, fucked from day 1, and that's what makes it beautiful.


Like how r/justiceserved got saved?

Formerly beyond Chuck's

This is cock and ball torture without the cock and balls

So are you tranny scum

based and truth pilled


Imagine calling someone an anythingphobe in drama.

Imagine being a collosal price of shit that supports harassment of trans people

Um, excuse me sweaty, I support the harassment of all peoples.


Dam you got me good what am I gonna do 😔

You're gonna do me that's what. Welcome to the family, bend over.

I don't need to imagine it. Seethe harder

Your flair fits you perfectly

Why are you being so judgmental and hateful against autists

Lived experiences

Ok autismophobe


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Imagine being an ugly mutant tranny that still thinks that they any ground to talk shit on the wonderful people with autism that we have

You're supposed to punch up not down, you know? Fucking bigot



Go fuck a dog or something, furry

One joke

This is, like, the third time I've seen "One Joke" as a response at three different jokes in the past 24 hours.

One retort.

This is just saying "no u" with extra steps

Why fix what ain't broke?



Sorry I don’t encourage mental illness.

Trans women can't be women so they settle for being huge pussies

Cry about it nerd

They're a srdine lol

someone call ICE

Our traps and furries are b@sed, I wish I could say the same for you. If kaara were here she'd peck your eyes out

This whole thread is a yikes moment

This subreddit trying to regain it's relavence is hilarious

When was drama ever relevant

Lmao the dogfuckers are MAD!

Drake meme:

Drake_disgust: dog-fucking
Drake_pleased: horsefuckers

The real problem with furries is that they are always associated with other gross sex stuff. Diapers, vore, scat, pedo, etc. If they just had vaginal heterosexual intercourse within the confines of marriage for the purpose of procreation and happened to be wearing a fur suit, no one would mind.

No doggy allowed either.

Missionary only, just like god banged mary

Mary is an eternal virgin you absolute chud

Well yeah, technically, it was intercrural.

Naw son, you 100% know that foid saw some hot fucking Roman war chad who spent his life killing stone age Frenchmen and raping North African women and just knew she needed his seed.

If they stuck to doggy style rather than involved real doggy it would be ok

They deleted a perfectly fair and reasonable comment about why people hate furries, it was kind stangered and everything. The justice serve should be given a medal for how retarded they are and how bad they're making furries look.

You’re alright, fish. You aren’t like the other commenters here that I’m going to PURGE FROM EXISTENCE. You’re not one of those Patrick Star impersonators.

Imagine saying all this and not looking at OP’s profile. You guys are fucking dumb, so fucking dumb.

I looked through that profile and... wow, that's a lot of furry porn, yikes. Who knew that r/drama had such filthy degenerates lurking amongst their ranks? Gross.

This one in particular is so disgusting I spent multiple minutes looking at it in bed this morning, out of disgust

Allah did not curse the worm and the moth as much as he did the furry

katie_pendry17 points 4 hours ago

Trenders aren't a thing. Nobody transitions just for attention. Increased visibility is allowing people who have trans feelings a chance to explore them, and we shouldn't dismiss people as "trenders" just because they are unsure about their gender.

Said on a sub full of people who literally pretend to be cartoon animals for attention.

Not us bro. I like my furry subreddits to stay to furry subreddits, I dont like crossovers and I hate imposing or making people uncomfortable. I hate what happened yesterday. Dont blame all of us for the actions of one or two moderators.

Ew, a furry

What's wrong? I hate the dog fuckers, diaper retards and disgusting mursuiters as much as you. We're on the same side whether you like it or not.

Whatever you say, furry

You didnt read did you?

Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

I bet you like yiff, ew. Fucking furries, man.

I'm ace. So no.

What's your opinion on birds? Specifically ravens?

They're cool, sometimes they go and tweet outside my window and remind me theres a beautiful world out there and I'm just here watching YouTube lmao. Other times they're chilling on the telephone wires outside my window. Just bein burds.