Femcels mad

1  2020-01-19 by Alicesnakebae


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đŸŽ¶old foids, old foids, what'chu gonna do?đŸŽ¶
đŸŽ¶What'chu gonna do when the wall hits you?đŸŽ¶


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She deff will. Like most of us on here who started out as the “cool girl” she will cringe after years of being taken advantage of her. Luckily for us we didn’t post a video shaming confident women for taking charge of our lives lol

Women aren't allowed to have an opinion that goes against the hive mind.

No more White Women 2020

I’ve seen videos of this girl before lmao she has BPD and would occasionally post videos of her having breakdowns on another channel. She has the credentials of being a gendercritical/FDS poweruser but I guess their issues run even deeper.

Being a gdc/fds poweruser is a symptom, not a disease.


Invented a term for desirable women because no one will pick them 😂

Lmao foids do everything in their powder to tear down other foids. This is why there's never been a matriachial civilization.

Lmao foids do everything in their powder to tear down other foids.

Anyone who spent long time in women-dominated environment knows this.

Im not defending f*ids but humans in general are like that. Its just f*ids are better at it then m*ids

If I wanted to talk shit about my coworkers, I'd need to learn their names first.

What? You didnt care what color Becky`s dress was last thursday? Moids nowadays smh


Becky from HR.

Every time some chick tweets perhaps men aren’t trash they fucking race to the thread to call her a Pygmy

Notice that the femcels from a pick up sub are first to go with the sexist retort of "she must not be a grown woman with an opinion that just differs from theirs,she just wants male attention" coming from a pick up sub filled with women desperate enough for male attention they have an active sub on how to get it. And of course they are both projecting as well as hating on her cause they are jelaous she is not a bitter swamp monster like them

Yeah but remember when White Knights first entered the scene? The meme went on for so long that said “knights” started throwing out the straw man “Imagine not defending women because you believe you are owed sex”

"Cool girls" don't even do the equivalent of white knighting for men, they're just hated because men(and other women) find them interesting cause they have hobbies and an actual personality.

i was gonna say whats with all the angry women saying that lately lol

like they think appealing women are artificially putting that on just so men like them?

"everyone has to be a bitter cunt irl right"

I wonder what the etymology is.



Girls who try to gain men’s attention in ways FDS doesn’t approve us are called Pick Me’s. They are “class unconscious” of their gender role as the true pickers/choosers. Geishas were Japanese upper class hookers/companions/entertainers. Pickmesha is a combination of those things.


lmao they have brigaded the video with dislikes

I would be a millionaire if I could figure out how to harness the energy of all those chubby, sweaty, trembling, rage-filled little fingers mashing the dislike button.

Just become a cult leader they'll do anything for a handsome face giving them attention

handsome face

Step 1: be attractive

Step 2: don't be unattractive

imagine being unattractive

i literally cant imagine it

Chubby is generous

The millionaires (and billionaires) have already figured out how to harness the mentality. They use it to pacify any movement that might pose a threat to their power. So far, they’ve been pretty successful in the first world.


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You know what I find refreshing about FDS. The honesty. They're honest about hating 99% of men.

I think way more women than them are like this, maybe even most women. But other women will lie about it in front of men.

Hope they see this sis

Have sex incel

Most women don't hate men, they probably just hate you


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I can tell you that like male normies, it's not so much hate as it is ignorance, they are taught to be a certain way. My mother is the best example,she taught me to marry rich or whatever, luckily I was always a daddys girl and he taught me of the value of hard work, honesty and earning your place in the world but most girls don't have that, what they have are fathers that see women in the light of the stereotypes that my mother falls into and see it as ok cause its what is expected. It's honestly sad but it is getting better

Pretty accurate tbh minus the sjw hair

Thats so sweet. So which parent taught you how to fuck a dog?

What are you talking about mate, I never had sex with you

I wonder how many women's lives have gotten better after using fds? I bet the answer is "zero, and in fact most people become even more unhappy"

Much like how true alpha males don't need an online forum to teach them how to be alpha/approve of them, high value women by definition don't spend their time obsessing over how to raise their value.

The sub spells out that it's geared towards getting relationships that are beneficial to women. It's in plain english, yet she's somehow shocked when any of these benefits are mentioned, or that it's suggested we take advantage of them.

What do you MEAN taking advantage of people is not a good thing? REEEEE33

When are they not?

tf even is that sub do they want male attention or not

I love how they pretend to be "vol"-cel.

hits crack pipe

Okay I have a theory about FDS.

Everyone in the world has what is referred to as an [attachment type](en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attachment_in_adults#Styles): 50% of the population is secure, 25% avoidant, 5% fearful-avoidant and 20% anxious. Basically half the population feels secure in their relationships and don’t play games. The rest are either the “distancer” or the “pursuer”. This starts in childhood/infancy & has been tested quite a lot—including with blood tests on children to see how their hormone levels change in response to interactions with their primary caregiver.

I think these girls are all anxious attachment types who are really bitter about having been in relationships with avoidants. Instead of trying to develop a secure attachment type (because they lack insight into their situation), they think playing the game from the other side will magically fix their dysfunctional relationship dynamics. It will never work because 1) it won’t be natural behavior for them to distance but their relationships will be based on this pattern (so how long can it even last?) and 2) they won’t find peace of mind playing games & will still be anxiety ridden on the inside.

You're probably right but I am going need some links that I won't read to prove your point



I did it because everyone kept misinterpreting my comments, like saying my sister wanted to bang.

Your sister wants to bang?

I hope đŸ€žđŸ»

ohh okay. nice theory though!


Hot take: misandry is fact-based and good, actually.


Holy shit. This has to be an incel larp to make women look bad, right? I mean...their shit wouldn't even work. At least some of TRp's bull will give you some success if you're starting from a base of pure autism, but this...this is just awful and ineffective.

Foids are not logical creatures.

Like most subs like this if it did start as a LARP the LARPers eventually get bored and all that's left are the true believers. I think at this stage there are more true believers with a few shit stirrers.

Truly the worst gender