Platy is in danger.

1  2020-01-19 by zsfh


This unironically makes me super sad. Platy is one favourite animals for sure.

Wait Platy is just in Australia? What the fuck did I see in the marshes behind my old school all those years ago?

Edit: It must have been the Ayahuasca.

Lol where are you from? It might have been a muskrat or beaver.

New England

probably beavers


could be a river otter, some other sort of weasel/mink, mole, shrew, or nutria

probably a river otter



it was a nutria

maybe lay off the hallucinogens

I would say probably a muskrat, they're the same size as a platy and move really quickly so you wouldn't get a good look at them.

Your spirit animal

It's a Flamingo actually. I change my flair to the most flamingo-related flair I can in any subreddit I am in in order to preserve our bond.

I got the same flair but mine is a giraffe.

I can appreciate that. Those are kinda like flamingos.

She was great on that HBO show

Sarah Jessica Parker looks pretty good tbh

Sayler, nuuuuuuuu



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Don't care. Platys are the troids of aussie animals. Can't decide what the fuck kind of thing they are and end up looking goofy

imagine not caring about an animals extinction because they be "looking goofy"

Imagine being such a bitch that you imagine post

Imagine commenting imagine in a comment trying to roast people that use the word imagine

Hurr durr I don't understand sarcasm in text

Truly I'm the idiot for continuing to argue with such a cretin retardian

Imagine not judging everyone and everything based exclusively on how attractive it is.

I'm afraid you picked the wrong hill to die on, here.

My retard posting is always hit or miss

Do better

But seriously I don't like these retarded egg laying bird faced poisonous mammals. Australia was truly cursed by Allah

Allah put Australia on the Earth to prove his existence. These weird animals are proof of Allah's greatness, making fun of them will prevent you from entering Jannah

Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways, brother. Allah yehfazak!

Astghfir Allah, astaghfir Allah astaghfir Allah đŸ™đŸŸâ˜Ș


Feels bad.

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lol I don't know all the keywords but here's my attempt:

The platyps, once viewed as so bizarre as to be mythical, could end up merely a legend as habitat destruction and climte threats push the mammal towards the “brink of extincti*n”.

Researchers say platyps numbers may have halved or more since Eurpeans arrived in Austrlia, predicting local extinctins may have occurred across 40 per cent of the species’ range due to dam building, land clearing and other disruptions, according to a study published in the scientific journal Biological Conservati*n.

Drought and heatwaves are exacerbating the threats posed by dam building, land clearing and predators such as f*xes.

Taking present day threats and the climate into account, the researchers predicted platyp*s numbers would decline between 47 per cent and 66 per cent over 50 years.

When adjusted for projected climte change, the decline of an animal once common in waterways across much of the contry would be even steeper, at 51 per cent to 73 per cent out to 2070, the research found.


“These dangers further expose the platyps to even worse local extinctions with no capacity to repopulate areas,” lead author Gilad Bin, a researcher at the University of NSW’s Centre for Ecosystm Scince, said. Such a trajectory could place the platyps on the “brink of extinctin”, he said.

Federl and stte g*vernments have generally failed to give the platyps endangered species status.

Platypuses, along with four species of echidns, are the world’s only monotremes. Eurpean collectors receiving their first specimens thought their combination of fur, webbed feet and duck bill too alin to be genuine.

Their numbers, along with those many other aquatic species, are likely to have been hammered by the intensifying drought and record heatwave across much of their range – even before the bushfir*s.

Disruption of Murry Darling and Great Dividng Range habitats means “the consequences are grim for the platyps”, said Richard Kngsford, director of the UNSW centre and another of the study’s authors. “This is impacting their ability to survive during these extended dry periods and increased demand for water.”


Despite platypses becoming far less common, their decline has barely registered with governmnts. That’s despite the Internatinal Unin for Conservaton of Nature (IUCN) recently downgrading the conservat*on status of the nocturnal animal to “near threatened”.

“If we lost the platyps from Australan rivers, you would say, What sort of governmnt policies or care allow that to happen?” Professor Kngsford said. “What sort of nonchalance and disregard for one of the world’s most important species has allowed this to happen?”

Dr Bin* said there was “an urgent need for a nati*nal risk assessment” for the animal.

Drying waterways are contributing to local extinctins. Programs to relocate surviving platypses are being proposed.


A spokesman for Sussan Ley, the federl Environment Minister, said: “Prior to this study, there has not been information collated to suggest that the platyps was threatened so it has not been assessed.”

A spokeswoman for the Victorin Environmny Departmnt said: “We're working with the federl governmnt to determine whether the platyps should be listed as a threatened species at a natinal level.” She added that Victorias own nomination was “still being considered”.

A NSW Environmnt spokeswoman said the governmnt “recognises that a range of factors, exacerbated by the current prolonged drought conditions, may be placing the long term viability of platyp*s populations at risk”.

“At this stage, NSW governmnt sciendkbdsits and ecoflglogists believe the Hunter, New Engfjdjlanf and Central West areas are of most concern,” she said, adding that work included controlling fxes and relocating platyp*ses away from drying pools.


The study was the first natkdjionwbvide attempt to establish a so-called metapopulation model for the platyp*s

Researchers collated all available information, including historical records and newspaper clippings, to assess the animal’s extent and numbers.

The report also analysed the frequency of extreme drought, population fragmentation caused by dam development, and the effects of land clearing including bank erosion.

“We are not monitoring what we assume to be a common species,” Dr Bin* said. “And then we may wake up and realise it’s too late.”

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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God is just fixing his mistake of making the entire continent of Australia. Carry on.



Noooooo 😭😭😭

Heartbreaking if they go extinct.



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Why do we eat some animals but not others? đŸ€”

Platy is not an animal. Platy is a god.
