Redditors freak out when they learn that black women don't have to kill their babies to be successful 🤭

1  2020-01-19 by TrappyIsBae


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Anyone else thinks it's funny that being anti-abortion on reddit seems to be the big no-no?

You are more likely to get a positive reaction when you say "I hate the gays" at this point.

Why is that so?

It’s because reddit loves to take the moral high ground and being pro-choice is pretty slippery ground. So they just lash out.

I am pro-choice purely because I believe many people shouldn’t be parents, however I think it’s a really shitty thing to do and would be disgusted being a party to an abortion.

Reddit's evenly split between retarded zoomers who hate anyone suggesting they take on responsibility, and lefty millennials who have been fighting against the early 2000's caricature of fundamentalist Christians they think best represents their father (consequently adopting a near Moloch-ian level of pro-choice beliefs to pwn the evangelicals).

It having a retarded reactionary opinion to abortion discussion of any type shouldn't be surprising.

Never thought I would live to see the day when being against butchering babies was considered a no-no.

Angry foids regretting infanticide. Just own up to it like the Carthaginians did smh

I mean, I think its more the anti-pitbull crowd wanting to starve Pitbulls by taking away their natural food source.

I had no idea abortion was so based!

Based and Moloch-pilled

Yeah it's cope, they kill their children and then attempt to gaslight themselves into justifying it. I think the best argument I've ever seen for pro-life stance is "You only kill them because they can't tell you to stop". Imagine you're pregnant and the fetus says HI MOMMY. Like how could you kill that?

ok but what if you find out your fetus is a SRDine? checkmate christians

I would rather end thousands of years of a blood line than allow a srd to be birthed using my loin

Imagine you're pregnant and the fetus says HI MOMMY. Like how could you kill that?

Like how the fuck is the fetus talking from inside my womb?!? Please kill it! Kill it now!

Yeah kill those too

If any clump of cells is living rent free, evict that fucker

gaslight themselves


You faggots have gone so far up your own asses that you turned yourselves into blue checkmarks.

You either hang an tranny dramatard hero or die a blue checkmark villain

Is it a moid? Easy.

Thats fucking retarded. if cows and chickens could talk and reason we wouldnt kill them either

Mind you, if we knew that cows and chickens would be able to talk and reason if we only left them the fuck alone for a few months and then educated them a little once they were a tiny bit bigger, eating them would be all kinds of fucked up.

That's actually a good argument though for vegans don't give them ammo.

I would.

Like how could you kill that

Get a pibble

reddit leftoids love it because it allows women to avoid responsibility

and reddit rightoids love it because it kills minorities

in conclusion, being pro-life on reddit is radically centrist

Redditors think women are children and cannot take responsibility for anything

It has to be more than that, that sounds pretty based.

The only thing more to it than that is that they want to fuck them

Because fags are annoying


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STFU loser.

I think body autonomy is extremely important so I'm pro choice but people who go out of their way to portray abortion as a positive thing and pretend to be nonchalant about it are either retarded, pretending, or sociopathic

Do you think pregnant women smoking should be legal?

It's not been proven that's even bad for the baby infact some scholars have pondered that nicotine infact improves brain development and cognitive function in the womb. Read a book child

And what about other drugs and alcohol? Do you think women should have their body their choice with those as well?

Do you even think about these things before you say them? a mom drinking is good for a child, it helps the kid build a tolerance so after its born its less likely to get alcohol poisoning. Same reason why expecting mothers should eat s high iron diet. I bet that's what went wrong with you and why you can't grasp these simple concepts, iron deficiency

God damnit I can’t tell when you’re serious posting

Lots of low-grade loser dudes who think their only hope of ever getting a crumb of pussy is currying favor with the sluttiest low-grade women they can imagine finding.

Because being anti-abortion makes you a retard? Pretty simple?

Being pro-choice makes you retarder since a) you are giving women choice b) you are giving women choice to kill a person

God this is so fucking based

Indisputable facts and logic - how will the lĂ­btards cope?


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Well first off:

Everyone on reddit is retarded you mongrel. You actually think anyone here discussing politics is non-retarded? LOL

There are a few things worse than being anti-abortion that gets more positive reactions on here. Seems weird to me.

Cope harder LMAO

Your position is retarded

Damn you got me :*

Let me seethe in peace

Anyone else thinks it's funny that being pro-abortion on arrrDrama seems to be the big no-no?

You are more likely to get a positive reaction when you say "I hate the gays" at this point.

Why is that so?

Lol, if anything drama tries to be contrarian.

Your attempt at trolling is weak, do better sweaty

"Contrarian" but mass downvotes when I say something pro-abortion lmao okay.

Face it brother, arrDrama has devolved into just being edgy rightoids and leftoids


I'm not even pro-abortion, was just proving a point. but okay

cope AND seethe

Stop this garbage. Stay the F away from our bodies. Try legislating a mans body first.

This must have sounded epic in this person's head.

They did, it's call selective service

Abortions are good and should be encouraged since it's mostly degenerates getting them.

I agree and fully support to killing of babies, it just grinds my gears when people pretend it isn't murder.

Abortion is murder, and that's a good thing!

and minorities

Cucked and Sanger-pilled.

I struggle between agreeing with you and murder is wrong.

The quandary of eugenics.

Murder isn't wrong. 🤯

Abortions are one of the reasons violent crime has plummeted since the 80s. That and the phasing out of lead in paint which makes people retarded

You able to show cause and effect, or just correlation?

No child, I'm not doing the intellectual labor for you

Ten words where the first one would have done.

Ok lil tiny baby

Oh, the crushing devastation, how will my fragile ego survive this comeback, oh well, never mind.

and the blacks

The true radical centrist opinion is that abortion should be legal, but it's not a woman's choice. You spin a wheel

That's a pic of some black chick who went to University of Phoenix and probably owes $100k in student loans now where everyone will laugh at her for putting University of Phoenix on her resume.

This post is rightoidcryingbehindmask.jpeg

Abortions are, at best, an unfortunate necessity. This new-age trend of trying to rationalize the procedure as a universally good and positive thing is pretty gross, and promulgated only by hedonistic foids who’ve been indoctrinated into thinking that random pump-and-dumps are preferable to healthy monogamous relationships. Their sense of regret is palpable. Strange times we live in.

pretty gross

Omg this so much. Ugh, it makes me feel so icky and gives me a sad.

This new-age trend of trying to rationalize the procedure as a universally good and positive thing is pretty gross

The people who have abortions probably shouldn't be raising kids anyways so I would say it is a very positive thing. Definitely reduces crime rates and children raised by parents who don't want and/or resent them.

Nevertheless, killing babies is still something to be encouraged.

68% have herpes so I mean define success.

“Kill your children n****r!!!!”

-This sub

This, but unironically

Imagine not killing your own children to drop 50k on a college degree so you can spend the next 15 years working in an office.

Imagine having it and becoming a welfare queen.

Raising kids in abject poverty is more indicative of the human experience than not.

TFW you have to get an abortion now instead of just leaving your disabled spawn in a forest and letting nature do its work.

Thats some white people shit. Most of the world are pretty much the product of hundreds of generations raising their kids on todays equivalent of 5 dollars a year. All im saying is if the only people who had kids were people who wanted kids, the human race wouldve died out a long ass time ago.

Throughout most of history they also had no compunction against killing off the weak ones. Sure, 5 dollars a year and all that, but you're bullshitting if you're saying they were unwanted.

Queen being used loosely here

lol that's exactly what happened too. No real college can be done unless you have a babysitter and can show up to a 3pm class at least twice a week. And you know the baby daddy in this story dipped or is in jail.


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