Turns out, Gun-girl fell for the e-thot menace and spent $50 on nudes. 2 girls 1 pooped-pants when?

1  2020-01-20 by BlacJeesus


Posting customers private info to own the rightoids


I've thought about this, and you're not wrong, but imo they already did themselves in by committing the grave mistake of asking nudes from an e-thot expecting even an ounce of moral fibre from one.

educate me here, why did she even buy the nudes? is she a L-word?

Is it fake? Like someone just using her picture on an account to pay? I don't know, I can't follow this Twitter nonsense.

Nah, it's her account alright. She changed her username after this, but her bf was still on her friends list.

She's such a trainwreck that I actually feel bad for her. It's like she coasts from public embarrassment to public embarrassment, and it's always the weirdest stuff too, not the typical 'outed for drinking and fucking a black man once'.

Ikr? From the retarded "I carry" to retarded Liberty Hangout tradcath shilling to being outed as designated frat party poop decorator.

What a career path!

Present for the boyfriend? Who knows these days.

If you can't stand by the titties you buy why buy them coward


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Imagine buying porn in current decade πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Ikr? Especially since you can watch Ricardo Milos for free

Ricardo is not porn. He is art. Wash your mouth with soap.

ok daddy! 😣

Fake and probably gay anyways.





Hey you can trust thots to be honest all you want, but she needs at least two other witnesses to not be kafir.

Looking legit as of right now. She changed the venmo but forgot to remove her husband from the friends list.

The image has some suspect line breaks on the right side, who is gun gal? I assume some conservathot?


is it the one that shat herself?

It's now gay gun-girl that shat herself. Thank you very much.

It is indeed the one that shat herself

Never heard this one. Link to proof?


She admits it in this video.

There's also a deleted tweet/archive floating around where she admitted it.


Kinda hot tbh

But is it though? Neither of them are especially good looking

It's the scat that turns us on, duh.


So now they're lesbian shaming?

I'm still upset they're kink-shaming my scat fetish.

It's all been taken down... 😣

While I support the destruction of Australia by god, I also support e-thots because they exploit themselves while making sure money from incel's will actually get redistributed back into society, rather than used on plastic and fabric items that will rot in a landfill somewhere once the mommy cuck kicks the bucket due to morbid obesity.

You think e-thots will spend it wisely?

Never said that. E-thots do however offer us a service, they keep the undesirables out of the gene pool. They used to have to settle with fat women, drug addicts or prostitutes, but now that e-thots have complete control of their libido, the incels will die en masse without producing progeny. The fat women have to go to latin america to get boned, as there is noone desperate enough to even look at them in any of the world's internet connected areas. Latin Americans coming from mixed gene pools already have better genes, and since they will be essentially gigolo's for the mayonesa's pesos you can be assured that many of them will be from strong, but poor farming families, good stock that will atleast balance it out. E-thots are doing an invaluable service to the world and I salute them for it.

Connoisseurs who consume such high art are not the same demographic as debased plebeians who purchase self-made erotica from middling asymmetrical "women".

First Nick Fuentes, then diaper girl. Who's next?

I hope Niggard Spencer gets caught with a mouth full of bbc

nah he just fucks chicks who aren't white while whining about white genocide and goes off about how "virtuous child porn" needs to be given out for recovering pedophiles.

Theres also Alex Jones who likes traps though.

Fucking brown chicks as a white is beneficial for them. Castizo Futurism.

Wait is Spencer not retarded about the whole CP thing? Does he hold the same position as destiny? Surprising.

Horse shoe theory proven yet again.

anybody got pics?


What happened to the bitch bot which was supposed to archive these?

The fuck. Why didn't the bots get an archive?


What did it say?



This subreddit is literally retarded.

Hi guys since people are bombarding me w replies the tweet was a JOKE! I didn’t expect it to pick up. Furthermore, gun girl promotes violence and bigotry against gays, sex workers, and other marginalized groups. She’s a hateful person and misogynistic. She deserves this lmao

I love misogynistic foids