Another classic from my fav sub, a broad basically gets PTSD because her bf watched a woman get a facial one time.

1  2020-01-20 by TeeEssDoubleU


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Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Another classic from my fav sub, a ... -,

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😂 More like painal 😉

Truly the bravest of genders


Reading that makes me so glad I'm with someone that watches efukt with me and laughs.

Same. Having a gf that will watch cool online videos about abusive Japanese porn with you is the best cure for misogyny. Im still a misogynist though.

It's based and abusepilled

Idk I like the one where the mod unironically compares being in a war and seeing your friends get shot and blown to bits to somebody who's so obsessive and controlling that they have a complete panic attack because their boyfriend watched BJ porn.

Because it is intimate and private. You may not get why people dislike porn. You may not believe all the research and factual information regarding the effects of PA, porn usage in marriages/relationships etc. But fact is, do you know my relationship? Do you know my boyfriend's life? Have you met me and know anything about my life? Do you know what conversations, events and incidents have happened in our life? Maybe grow up and stop obsessing over what goes on in other people's love lives.


I have anxiety about oral sex

That’s a funny way to say you’re forever alone

“If you want me to get on one knee, you’ll have to get on two.”

Literally just lick jfc.

Bi urself 😂😂😂

This is why i never watched porn when i had a gf. It's pretty freaky from the other side.

So you never stopped watching porn huh.

Yeah, your right hand must be protected from being traumatized.

Imagine dating a bitch who won’t even suck you off ever 😂😂😂

Imagine dating a bitch

Dude bussy amirite

Hell yea brother

Read her comments. They don’t have PIV sex either. What’s the point?

What’s she do. Just jerk him off? That dude must be seriously pathetic to stay with her.


Porn should be this foids best friend. If she’s not doing any of the work herself then he’s gotta drop a load some other way. This dude is retarded, just like the chick.

Jokes on you because he wants to wait till marriage ;) I have had no problem pleasing him and giving him whatever he wants. So maybe don't jump to pathetic conclusions about relationships you quite clearly, know nothing about :) Mr Reebok ;)

God bless you and your broken blowjob machine (aka your mouth).

Yup never getting his dicked sucked again ;)

That sub is a veritable gold mine.

Sheeit, if there is ever a way of knowing you are a cuck and your gf was a turboslut is her telling you she won't give you blowjobs because its not feminist.

Yeah it's pretty much peak cuck at that point since the cucks that watch their wives get plowed are getting some enjoyment out of it. In this case you get the worst of both worst in having a former slampig that's angry and frigid.

i wish these femcels could get actual chads, who would get tired of their bullshit and make them walk in on him shitting into another girls mouth or something

Wait until they find out that men can masturbate to clothed women, and are capable of using their imagination to cum on hotter women than them.

I cannot ever imagine giving him oral again


These types of threads make me think less of women than any degrading porn ever could.

That sounds just as stupid.

OK Agatha. Good thing I don't care what foids think.

Imagine staying with a partner this self centered and crazy

Bizarre how it never dawns on them that maybe if they lost some of that weight their men might be more interested.

They're all mental on that sub I swear

This is a LARP sub, isn't it

It is still a mystery to me why oral sex is supposed to be "degrading to women" in particular so much it causes anxiety and PTSD. And this is coming from someone who hates pornography. What a lunatic sub.