Absolute Chad tries to bang interviewer in Yale interview, #MeToo foid tries to cancel and shame both of them.

3  2020-01-20 by Iowa_Hawkeye


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but i want to

Fake but still funny

Of course, it's fake! If it were real then OP would be in jail by now. Besides OP never posted any pictures to begin with.

Pretty weak seriouspost btw šŸ˜’


interviewer was just embarrassed that she spent most of what was supposed to be a college interview hitting on a minor.

This is the exact situation that happens all the time in high schools where you have foid teachers in their 20s-30s banging male teens, compressed into an interview.

Even if this particular story is fake, it would not surprise me at all if this shit happens all the time.

Iā€™m obviously not an Ivy League guy but a 3 hour interview sounds preposterous. You can argue about their selectivity I guess, but that just seems impractical and wasteful. Like donā€™t they have any other work to attend to?

If this is somehow real, you are šŸ’Æ right that she may have gone overboard with flirting.

Iā€™m obviously not an Ivy League guy

Clearly not.

Bizarrely long interviews seem to be the standard of prestigious instituons, whether theyā€™re universities or private schools.

I canā€™t even recall how many hours Iā€™ve spent trying to trick an admissions officer into believing I wasnā€™t retarded....

Thatā€™s crazy. I would think longer interviews could potentially introduce more bias. Letting accomplishments/transcripts speak for themselves and having a brief character interview seems more aligned with an elite institution.

Unless of course academia has a fondness for bullshit artists with sob stories, I guess.

I think it makes a certain amount of sense for high brow universities. Those institutions really like the idea of having students with huge extracurricular portfolios. For Ivy League that has the added effect of helping to pad their sports teams as they donā€™t generally offer sports scholarships.

For private secondary institutions like preparatory academies it makes less sense. I recall having a lengthy interview with a headmaster at a school my parents had applied me for when I was 12 or 13. It was in a stereotypically wood paneled room and the rotund old man peered at me through his round glasses. ā€œAre you involved in any philanthropic endeavours?ā€ He asked. I didnā€™t know what that word meant so I assumed it had something to do with sports. ā€œSometimes me and my friends beat eachother with hockey sticksā€. He told my father I was very good with words and I spent the rest of my pre-university education at that prestigious institution.

Hah, nice. I guess the extracurricular angle makes sense to an extent, especially for sports. I still think itā€™s dumb though.

Should have given him some sloppy toppy instead.

Lmao I've interviewed at several of the top universities in bongistan. They were max 40 minutes.

They're not really interviews but more like conversations. It's not formal and you learn about the schools and student life. I still hated doing them but my wife went to an Ivy and she loves helping prospective students out on these interviews. Just hope none of them try to bang her like this guy did.

You're the type of Faggot who thinks female teachers fucking guys in high school is a (1) wide-spread and (2) a serious issue. It's neither but you want to believe women are as aggressive about their hornyness as you are.

Bruh it happens all the time. Serious issue? Nah. Wide-spread? Indisputably.

And keep in mind, these are just the teachers that were caught. There surely must be dozens of guys smart enough to keep their mouths shut and enjoy the service for every retard dumb enough to snitch. Or maybe even some foids smart enough to not leave incriminating evidence all over phones in the digital age lol, couldn't type it with a straight face.

50 cases. Out of how many teachers in the world?

Well there are only like 50 hot teachers.

teachers in the world

foid teachers, aged 20-30, teaching teens

It happens all. the. time. If you had the above scenario at your school, it probably happened and you didn't know about it. I know for a fact that it did at mine - without anyone being caught. Doesn't always need to be sex, there are plenty of inappropriate ways for a 25 year old foid to interact with teens that don't involve genitals - such as this yale story.

You sound like the kind of retard that unironically writes out the source copy pasta

Found the ugly incel ma stacy didnt try to bang in 10th grade

There were 2 in my high school, and it wasn't a big school (~300 students IIRC).

More like autist deludes himself into thinking this woman wanted to bang because she smiled in his direction.

Pretty sure department heads interview Yale applicants

Ivys field interviews to alumni to test cultural fit. It's basically a huge waste of time, as I've never heard of these interviews changing anything except if the applicant is egregious terrible, like OP.

Maybe it's just the grad programmes, the only thing I asked about when I was looking there

Grad is different since you work with a specific department


That's the patented Ivy League E you pleb, you adde it on to wordes to make you seeme more intelligente

It's even worse: it's bong writing

I feel like the use of the word "foid" establishes you as an incel even before any of your arguments get off the ground.

Pssst, keep it on the DL but this guy might be an incel! Idk about you but this whole sub is just a yikes fam a lam.

Not sure, is being an incel better or worse then an r/politics poster

Depends on how you feel about denial I think.

There is literally nothing worse then being an r/politics poster.

A politics poster is also an incel. All A is B but not all B is A

Oh shit didn't realize you're the lolcow. Welcome to the farm newfriend, have an upboat.

Ngl you're getting smoked by this lolcow

I got the heifer to the ranch, you boys can do the rest.

Lazy faggot, milk your own cow.

Heifers don't produce milk retard.

Lazy faggot, figure out your own references.


No no, he got you.


or did he

No I gotcha, I'm allowing you to keep your pride.

Silence PA attempter

Been happily married for 10 years ya goon.

"My wife lives in Canada, she's really hot, you wouldn't know her but I promise she exists."

You can do better than that honey. Have an upboat for trying though.

Ah, the classic attempt to put "honey" at the end of an otherwise empty statement to try to elevate it. You are on a roll here sweetie, go ahead and have an upboat too.

I like you darling, you're over 18 right. ;)

Lmao, there's a 100% chance she's over 35

Bonding yourself legally to a w*man

Yikes šŸ˜¬

I've been living in middle eastern shitholes for 20 years that make cohabitation between unmarried relatives illegal. So I married my favorite cuzo.

That doesn't mean much around these parts. Just because you pay for her to get fat doesn't mean she's banging you.

he's just trying to get his little peckerino succed

stavposting OUT OUT OUT

Greeks get the rope

i feel like the use of the words "as a woman" establish you as a foid even before any of your arguments get off the ground.

I feel like the fact you are a woman establishes you as a retard even before any of your arguments get off the ground.

You started a post with "as a woman" šŸ˜‚

lol imagine being bothered to type "female" all the way out.

Did you just say foid?

Found the incel

We could all be incels and still collectively be more a functional human being than you could ever hope to be lol

Foid is the proper terminology though.

foid is mad because no youthful chad would ever make advances towards her dusty ass

If he was a chad they would have fucked smh

the youthful chads are too busy with your mom, so i'm not mad. your mom deserves it.

Heh, gott eem. šŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€āš–ļø

what are you, 15?

Or maybe 35

The foid cries rape as she calls you an incel.

If my four year old can choose her own gender, I think we can hold a high school kid in a cell for being a rapist.

So... No.

Edit: I just emailed my interviewer and both thanked her for the conversation and apologized again profusely.

Nice work creating a paper trail in case she does decide to pursue legal action, genius.

What legal action is she going to pursue for an attempted kiss lmfao

Whatever she wants in this age of #METOO

He should just get castrated like the rest of us.

Apparently the woman making the first move is an alien concept to them, who knew?

A2C is such an underutilized drama source. its entirely composed of arrogant, high strung teens debating how much race/socioeconomic status ACTUALLY effects an individual, or whether its worth it to go 300k in debt for clout. I remember when it was revealed one of the head jannies plagiarized their Stanford essay

These are the people going into college now. Where misinterpreting signals labels you a rapist.

That dude never kisses the interviewer to begin with.

The interviewer (25 f) was smoking hot, and we really hit it off. She very clearly liked me and seemed to be giving me ā€œthe lookā€ left right and center. I honestly lost count of the amount of times she laughed at things that I said and she seemed to genuinely enjoy talking to me. We ended up chatting for nearly 3 hours, and most of our conversation wasnā€™t even remotely about Yaleā€”just random things about ourselves. Towards the end of the interview, I had a strange urge to go in for a kiss.

Moids, smdh. Apparently looking at a person you are talking to and politely laughing at their jokes means 'full speed ahead'. Such is the life of women.

I don't know why people have trouble understanding this.

There is a huge difference between attraction and interest.

I'd bet in like 65% of these kinds of situations the people read the "I'm attracted to you" part correct but did not get that just because someone is into you it doesn't mean they're going to act or want to act on it.

Attractive people are fun, it's fun flirting and messing around, but you're very rarely going to get someone to do something like this unless you're a Don Draper type or you meet a super loose person.

If you're handsome or talented or charismatic most women are probably on some level attracted. Or at least attracted enough that there is some possible scenario where they'd hook up with you.

It's really not a hard difference to spot: If a woman thinks you're hot, you'll catch her staring. If a woman wants you, she'll touch you. Can't make it plainer than that.

Seriously. You need to at least have the NDA signed before leaning in for a kiss. This guy didn't even have the video camera set up ffs. That should be at least a dime in the fed, just for stupidity alone.

Chad #2 has entered the chat

How can the kid who's being interviewed be predatory? I feel like the adult who's already got the job has all the power in this situation.