Very cool yid gets a paper published suggesting the IQ-gap between the differently-melaninated may be partly genetic. This causes a fellow white Yale philosopher who didn’t read the article and a marine copypasta character pretending to be a philosopher to attack him.

1  2020-01-20 by JokerCarSalesman


Here’s an article (with comments) from the Daily Noose, which is a website dedicated to being the failing New York Times of the philosophy world. In it, we discover that Mark Alfano (the marine chad from the tweets) made a petition calling for the retraction of the paper and apologies or resignations from the board of the journal which published the paper.

Apparently Mark Lafano has written an article on Intelligence, race, and psychological testing which explores the phenomenon of stereotype threat (which is about as psychologically replicable as astrological signs are) and how this could undermine the meaningfulness of IQ.

I wish I could get paid to turn unsubstantiated nonsense into rhetorical ammo like these guys.


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Are we currently on the "IQ can be tested for, but doesn't actually matter" or the "IQ is pseudoscience and cannot be accurately tested for" cope? I've lost track

this is philosophy, so we're not about talking science facts anyway

this is more like "its inherently bad to this and so we shouldn't do it"

I am not even convinced by race realism and think environmentalism can easily explain the majority of IQ discrepancies, but this is bullshit

There is this guy who seems to think that IQ has been around and obviously false for centuries (the term was only invented in 1915). Most of the comments at Daily Nous are actually basically supportive of Cofnas, but the Gouldian cope about IQ will never truly die.


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In case anyone is interested, Brian Leiter (who has gotten in trouble for criticizing a grad student who obviously has undiagnosed BPD) has written an article about this and, given that his site was once the site for ranking universities by their philosophical departments, it seems plausible this is going to blow up even further.


discussing scientific studies on a platform limited to 280 characters

🙄 idiots



You've got some quality drama headed your way buddy.

Oh right I completely forgot. 🤦‍♂️

Have you even been on Twitter since GamerGate was a thing?

My only twitter exposure is through r/drama

Same for me and most things except very tasty but very hot cheeses. Those I'm getting exposed to IRL, for everything else there's aredrama.

tfw inheritability of IQ is one of the few replicable things in the shitfest that is modern Psychology and (((they))) want to get rid of even that.

S M H ! ! !

but OP is Jewish and clearly loves race science because Ashkanzi Jews constantly beat the shit out of white people in IQ tests.

Don't Jew dare step out of line.


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"you're about to learn why people avoid fucking with me"

calls on other philosophers to boycott a journal until they retract what he wants

I don't know anything about this race science business but I sure am glad I was able to get the "personal army" bullshit out of my system as an early teen on 4chan before I looked this cringy.


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I’m reading for a DPhil in philosophy at the University of Oxford

lol he's some loser grad that retweets Nick "honorary white" Fuentes, among others

where did he even publish his paper, because dropping your pdf online and calling it "publishing" is akin to me writing shit on a wall inside a public toilet and calling it publishing

r*ghtoids are it again with facts and logic

You're about to learn why people avoid fucking with me.

bring it on sweety

that was all i had, and i got it from this twitter thread


so... I have your consent to fuck you?

As long as it doesn't involve gussy.

just follow Tariq's advice and we cool

He published it in Philosophical Psychology which is decently respected publication on a meaningless subject

so its basically about the ethnics of IQ reseach and not even suggesting that IQ-gap is partly genetic lol

what a pointless debate (like everything philosophy related), and of course the OP's title is totally wrong

the ethnics of IQ reseach

lol nice

it was auto suggest on my phone, I clearly meant ethics lol

I guess the AI is getting more sentient and perhaps a bit more based

yeah i figured you meant ethics it just looked funny

Personal insults rank highest among argument types, do I remember that correctly from my logic class?

so close and yet so far

Modern psychology is really a shithole.

I mean why even study genetic differences at all if you are going to say that it’s impossible that there are differences to begin with.


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Its amazing how leftoids are all about science until the exact moment race or gender is brought into discussion. Really makes you think isnt it?

Why do all philosophers online sound like absolute fools? Surely some of them must have something interesting to say besides calling for limited speech and book burning?

They sound like this offline too because a being a philosopher isn’t a real job.

Can someone just answer me yes or no: Are there variations in IQ between difference races?

The debate is so clouded with well-actuallys and related obfuscation that I realized I don't actually know the answer.

There is basically no doubt that there are racial IQ differences in the United States. In the U.S. the standard result is that there is a one standard deviation difference in IQ between whites and blacks, or in other words if the average white IQ in the U.S. is 100 then the average black IQ is around 85.

The legitimate debate is as to what explains this difference. The race realists tend to explain it as being due to generic differences between the races while the politically correct response is that the difference is entirely environmental and due to things like racism and poverty. I do not believe that there is currently a definitive answer to this question at present but it seems unlikely that it is either entirely genetic (lead exposure during development really does cripple adult IQ and there probably are some cultural mediations like literacy that mediate IQ scores, though perhaps not the general intelligence quotient g) or primarily due to racism or poverty separately (Nigerian immigrants and their children might very well have a higher IQ than the average white and affluent whites still have a higher IQ on average than affluent blacks).

its not just about the environment growing up that influences it, there are studies out there that basically show people who become poorfags test 13 points lower on iq scores than they do normally, so one big difference could be poverty as well

its not just about the environment growing up that influences it, there are studies out there that basically show people who become poorfags test 13 points lower on iq scores than they do normally, so one big difference could be poverty as well, then you have shit like epigenetics and it all becomes very messy

my guess (that should piss off both sides) is that its primarily cultural, with the majority of the east-Asian population being forced to take ridiculously difficult math from the early age and leave the slow people behind, because of their educational culture, which is why they score so well on iq scores

That first study is certainly interesting and might explain IQ disparities in some international situations, but I think the fact that an effect was found implies that it can’t be the actual explanation for the gap (i.e. if priming these thoughts about finances impairs the poor so badly, it’s unlikely that they normally actually have these thoughts outside the experiment; if this is just a regular day for the poor there shouldn’t be much of an effect). The hypothetical fact that getting hit in the head with a hammer can drop your IQ by double digits doesn’t mean it can successfully explain this gap. The Indian farmers thing is interesting too but doesn’t strike me as being representative of how employment works for many in the U.S. and so again doesn’t seem all that relevant to the conversation at hand. I put basically no faith in epigenetics as it sounds way too speculative and my sense is that the interesting results or hypothesis attached to the field largely haven’t panned out or replicated.

Maybe there is a partial cultural explanation to the gap too. It certainly can’t be rejected out of hand. If there is a cultural explanation it probably won’t be a popular, easily-implemented one, however. Maybe there is an adoption study that can say something about this. I’d definitely put IQ earlier in that causal hierarchy though; I suspect IQ (or the g factor, rather) really does play a causal role of its own and isn’t just a purely epiphenomenal correlation.

The main problem is that what we call "race" isn't well defined. You'd call actual African, African American, and probably even very dark Mongolian, Australian aboriginal, or Jamaican "black", although they aren't genetically similar. These categories are cultural, not genetic.

There is no genetic basis for "race". This isn't really surprising, because the concept of race predates genetics. Skin colour or certain other visible traits don't correlate too well with other stuff that doesn't affect looks. Humans just aren't genetically diverse, because we almost managed to get extinct few times, and only survived by rolling tide.

Sure, for some diseases there might be correlation between "race" and prevalence, but for many there are not. These are pure correlations, and they might not have a well understood genetic basis. For example, race and certain professions have strong correlation, but we know that profession isn't genetic.

IQ is complicated, because there's no specific gene that will determine it. Moreover, if you suffer from e. g. malnourishment, mental illness, or huff too much paint you will decrease it. Moreover, we don't have genetic tests for IQ potential, nor do we have medical imaging solutions or other direct ways to measure it. Instead we use IQ tests to indirectly test it. Also, we don't really know what "it" is.

Real IQ research would attempt to tie the measurements to genes or gene expression, and then go out and see if they correlate with races. By just finding correlations between the supposed races and IQ test results, we really aren't getting hard data.

Look, modern genetics is hard. Gene expression is much more than just what allele you happen to have. Your average rightoid or leftoid won't understand even your basic variance analysis, let alone a scientific paper on modern genetics. Almost everyone who talks about race and IQ online aren't really interested in actual genetics, and they only know about a narrow area of it. They haven't ran a single sequence alignment themselves.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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NPCs are gonna NPC

This is literally a guy telling a scientist to shut up because he disagrees with it on pure moral grounds

calling a wannabe philosophy phd a scientist

I know this sub is retarded, but this take is too dumb even for this place

Regardless any tard who points to IQ as the reason why say Africa is underdeveloped is a real brainlet and doesn’t know anything about IQ


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