another day of hard work put in by our wonderful janitors

1  2020-01-21 by SexyTaft


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. another day of hard work put in by ... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Also you should NOT check out the thread, it is NOT funny in any way

You would think if any place on reddit could avoid being a shithive of unbelievable faggots it would be r/nfl, but nope.

You should check out their daily threads. It's as faggot as you could possibly imagine

What do sports people talk about? To me it just seems like discussing who's going to be in the next Disney movie.

They talk about which modern day slave gladiator is in peak sportsball shape and which one got caught beating their cheerleaer girlfriend-wife.

When in Rome...

modern day slave gladiator

This would at least be interesting. Football is boring as fuck

this os cope levels I didnt even know was possible


I understand why you've failed to have sex for your entire life but I don't understand why you'd announce it this way.

No it's just usual Reddit cancer. Shit like "school is getting really stressful right now 😞"

r/NFL and r/baseball try way too fucking hard to be "stand up fans" and often just end up coming off as obnoxious white knights, basically the opposite end of the horseshoe from twitter sports fans.

At least r/CFB isn't as cancerous (yet), and r/NBA gained a little bit of self-awareness last I checked.

I once commented on Katy Perry’s nice tits and the CFB mods banned me 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

r/nfl makes the marching band dweebs of r/cfb look like gigaChads





do you think they received any monetary compensation for this action?

I doubt it

Yes, but only Jew Gold which is only accepted in select (((places))).

Wait....they ban for that but let Browns fans on there?!?!

A big subreddit on what is a violent and ostensibly masculine sport is filled with power-tripping soyboy faggots, color me surprised

Uh oh, the gamer is about to flex on us sportsballers

I mean this is the subreddit that clutches their pearls and screeches "CTE" any time some 23 year old hoodrat being paid millions for his ability to run good does something stupid.

Another reason to add why /r/nfl is my 2nd favorite sub.

Green Gay fans

In MY Drama?

It’s more likely than you think.

Another brave jannisary.

Fun fact: r/nfl is my original reddit home and an absolute cesspit of whiny man children. I'm part of the powerranking setup and made an entire thread seethe one week with a snarky paragraph about Andrew Luck. I could post it here but I didn't think it was interesting enough tbh

/r/soccer. It's full of larping americans larping as english lads and virtue signalling against actual local supporters of the european football clubs.
Apparently soccer is the new hip thing among urban mayo americans who don't want to associate with traditional american sports like handegg and lynching negros.

I am here to validate OP. Good job OP you are validated

I’ve always known Burger Football is gay.