Conspiratards come out of their tinfoil tents to tell us the CIA did 9/11

1  2020-01-21 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Conspiratards come out of their tin... -,

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CIA did Holodomor 😤😤

"This but ironically" in Soviet speak

Cyka blyat

But that predates the CIA.

Now do you see how deep the rabbit hole goes?

oh shit

ok but WTC 7 fr tho

There was never a WTC building 7. That was the real conspiracy

Wouldn't the planes be glowing in the dark if they did?

Well ground zero certainly glowed in the dark until the fires were put out.

CIA did boxing day tsunami

Everyone knows israel was behind it tbh

Don't be silly. Israel would have framed Iran

Anyone who's worked in government knows how rampant incompetency is, including 3 letter agencies.

Thats what makes these working clas blue collar hicks that think cia/fbi are so competent to do mass conspiracies, then like me when u work with them lel

Only competent governement employees are nasa and fighter pilots


you mean when theyre not being arrested for child porn


to be fair the u.s did train, fund, and arm osama bin laden

ALSO if the cia could see the affects of 9/11 on america they would probably orchestrate it let's be honest

lol no they didn’t 😂

"alleged" but there's a lot of evidence provided by many different sources that lead to the same conclusion

lol no




well mossad but its essentially the same thing