Delusional foids show their leathery mugs in an attempt to dunk on crypt keeper conway

1  2020-01-21 by unrulyfarmhand


Not a cerno fan but this is a poster dunk

It would be a poster dunk if it weren't for cerno's wife.

Cerno has to always bring up his kids because they are proof that a guy who looks like a Goon from a Popeye cartoon can get laid twice.

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. Delusional foids show their leather... -,

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Why does Blaire White show up in every twitter thread?

Troids subsist on drama. It’s part of why /r/drama is so great <3

You either create drama or consume it.



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We need her to dunk on these haggard-ass hoes. Nothing reminds a busted bitch just how busted she is as when a troid looks better than her.


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Mark dice too. He has the worst replies. Ashamed to be a rightoid when he shows up.

Sure, no makeup but she looks like someone's abuela with no worry beyond her crocheting.

Right is worse

Doesn't matter when you have a brown paper bag

And I’m not even wearing a drop of makeup.

Like, right now or when you took the picture? Cause you're wearing all kinds of makeup in the picture.

Seven Instagram filters aren't make up sweaty.

Mike swingin for the fences on this eggless bitch


Maybe I'm stupid, but I don't get it lol

How many kids does Mike have tho

he has 2

no sperm donation child-maxxing


imagine having the gall to talk shit about someone's appearance when you look like that lmao

is it any wonder black foids have the least messages in online dating

51 with no kids, she’s got nothing better to do.

What do you mean? If you look at r/childfree you will see that all of the posters there have a fulfilling, productive and busy life.

And, YES being a pibble mommy IS a full time . WAY harder than having a disgusting genetic discharge to take care off yet we don't even get maternity leaves

Taking the knot, it’s not just a fetish, it’s a way of life

Do you have anything relevant to say?



It's ok sweaty, I'd lash out in the presence of the superior race if I was white too

post pics of ur dad

no makeup

super obvious eyeliner

She's not even trying to hide the lie lmao

Conway is old and fugly now but at least you can tell that at one time she probably used to be hot, which is more than I can say for the foids trying to talk shit at her.

Volcel if you wouldn't.

I'm not Indian enough to find her attractive.


I've seen tr*nnies that pass way better. That man chin is super clockable

wow i wish we all could see what you look like

stanning for a woman with a chin so large it would send incels into a jealousy spiral



a man's gotta jerk off somehow

I’m a woman

well, that'll make it harder, but I'll give it a go, go ahead and PM ur pic

Since when do gays jerk off to pictures of very hot women

Because kellyanne doesn’t have a man chin. I think when you’re that nit picky your own appearance is of interest

You're totally right.


Are you Austrian?


Do I sense a whiff of...could it be...female cope?

The 80s were androgynous enough that women looked like men and vice versa

Looks like Diana, but from Alabama.


hell when she was sitting on the couch like ms. piper...

She's pretty hot compared to 99% of 50 something women. Women really drop the fuck off at the age due to their biology and it's a shame.

Pouring one out for all the gmilfs that could've been

leftyfoids: a woman shouldn't be judged by her appearance

also leftyfoids:

Uh... no. You may be of the view that the constant double standard works. I am not. When we went high, we landed on our ass. We must know the enemy. And we must call it out and confront it in every conceivable way. We are at war. It is not for the faint of heart.

lmao what are principles


A weapon to be used against the weak

Lmao at people not realizing this was the foids response to someone telling her this was classless

This is some god tier pasta for current year slapfights

snappy when

Every single woman replying is ratio’d

As they should be lol them bitches ugly af

Anybody have a copy of the makeup removing app?

That app is a hate crime

I can't seem to find it, it must have gotten cancelled. Now down memory lane.

To further delve into the app, I asked some Bustle editors to give the problematic app a try. Here are their photos and reactions. The most common sentiment? This is bullshit.


Stop arguing and start a race war.

This would make a good snappy post.

It’s like Eddie Murphy’s voice should be coming out of her mouth.

No Kelly shill, but she is everything the mayo leftoid foids seethes over in another woman. Successful, a mother, and (relative to them) attractive.


Mark Dice in every thread desperately trying to generate drama to cling to some semblance of relevance