“Validation” seeker 🍑💋 who “can’t take criticism” 😱 and “intolerable and vile” 卐 “butt[pained]” 🍑😫 person 👤 argue 🤬 for two 2️⃣ pages on an audiophile 🤤 forum 💻 over which of their thin-sounding $2,000 💸 earbuds 🎧 with piercing 🗡 treble 🔔 sounds 🎶 worse 🤢, and intense 🔥 raging 😡 ensues

1  2020-01-22 by dongas420


You're 25. You're not old enough to make a god damn educated decision about Time Cube. If you're dumb, stupid and evil, you can learn from the lessons of Nature rather than accept deadly math:

1- Cubic Time is above 4e math.

2- Time Cube is the same everywhere. Same for

3- Time Cube is Omnificence (no God). Cubic math is proof.

Educated adults of Earth have no choice but to accept the truth of Time Cube.


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jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


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Not reading that shit


Audiophiles are the Magic the Gathering players of autists. Incredibly insufferable and spends their life savings on shit.

yeah even the tiniest bit of experience with this "hobby" should be enough for any normal person to realize that they are the male equivalent of twitter witches, except that their industry has had a few decades (since the decline of home hifi systems turned it into a niche cottage industry) to get really fucking good at milking tons of money out of them. the sheer amount of cope when confronted with reality is incredible.

I don't think a lot of people fall into the "autistic" camp of spending $5k+ every year on this shit though, most people call it a day with a couple hundred dollar headphone and a decent dac/amp. The spergouts about the high end cables/dacs is great drama tbh, tons of old drama in those head-fi forums like NwAvGuy

join the headphone discord and meet the posters who had many thousands of dollars of gear that all sounds measurably identical. 100% autism. it's basically just dopamine hits from buying stuff (spending addiction) mixed with an autistic fixation on a specific tool or object. no different than mechanical keyboard autists, watch autists, knife autists, etc., except that the rabbit hole for audio has basically no bottom

Joining a discord server for any purchase/product based hobby is already enough of an indicator you're on the spectrum, I'm not surprised the headphone one is terrible.

i'm on one i like that's about booze but aside from that one pretty much any discord server is filled with 12 year old autistic kids, yes

CONSOOM $9,000 headphones while your wife spends the night with chad.

I spent $40 on a pair of $80 Audio-Technica headphones. I'd never wear them at the gym, I use cheap disposable earbuds for cardio and that's the only time I put anything on or in my ears in public, so I wear them when I'm alone and working at my desk. Not gonna lie, they sound really good. I'm not going to buy anything audio related for a decade, because listening to music is infinitely more rewarding than worrying about the minutua of the quality of sound you can hear. The speakers that come with your car have been of the highest quality for about 2 decades now, there is no latest technology in audio that a pair of sennheisers is worth, there just isn't. The biggest leap towards with audio technology is too tier audio is available for ~$40 and after that there's a world of simps trying to get ripped off.

This take is just as autistic as the linked thread

I like your post but I have to downvote it because reading past smileys feels like trying to talk in between bouts of waterboarding

I try my best 👍