US about to get RICEd by new virus

1  2020-01-22 by The_Live_Ghost


That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


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  1. US about to get RICEd by new virus -,*

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Is this the ricecels’ last stand? Their final attempt at mayo vengeance?

It seems to be backfiring

Man I miss Ebola. Remember when all ya'll niggas were scared of that?

Tell you what we'll take that, and they can have our antibiotic resistant superbugs, and we'll see who still has old people in a couple year.

I have a connecting flight thru China on March 🤒

Gotta love the news, taking the fact that it killed some pig farmers in wuhan as license to call it a "deadly" virus. Its from the same family as SARS, and even the CDC is saying it is harder to spread than the flu.

This virus won't kill anyone who isn't already in poor health, particularly if they have any kind of access to medical care. You notice "patient zero" was sick for at least 4 days before he even went to a hospital.