Do manlet gymcels have the edge when it comes to deadlifts?

1  2020-01-22 by thowaway_throwaway


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womp womp


  1. Do manlet gymcels have the edge whe... -,

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Nah. Arm length is what counts for deadlift, which lanklets usually have more of. They can lock out half down thigh while I’m grinding my testicles on lockout.

Manlets do tend to have it easier on squats and bench, but really it’s more about proportion. Furthermore, this is all classic gym cope from both sides. I’ll cope about 6’+ deadlifters while they cope about my squat, really both of us should stfu and work harder.

Are you sure the boys aren't just riding lower than normal?

To be 💯 with you that is likely a part of it, but being a manlet doesn’t help.

Low altitude testiclecels lmao

A great short man is still lesser than a great tall man. That sentence should tell you all about life.

Sumo deadlifts are not real deadlifts. Fite me.

Agreed, but every foid does them.

I will never care about a 150kg deadlift, regardless of who's doing it (unless it's at least a double double amputee, maybe a baby).

That goes quadruple when it's being done with a belt and sumo stance.

do manlet gymcels have the edge when it comes to deadlifts?

Depends, are there seven days in a week?