Confronted by the gamer menace, SRDines RISE UP.

1  2020-01-22 by zsfh


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Jews did this


  1. Confronted by the gamer menace, SRD... -,

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How did SRDines turn out the way they are? Did their moms snort cocain while chugging counterfeit whiskey when they were pregnant?

If their moms were that cool they wouldn't have turned out to be such smug bugmen. They were more than likely coddled and told their opinions matter.

Yeah my mom was letting me hit the pipe since I turned two

How did SRDines turn out the way they are?

Unprecedented prosperity, mass technology and probably some nefarious government plot to poison the water supply.

These aren't just your run of the mill retards, they are in the running with pedophiles and mass murderers for the worst people on Earth.

srdine are the white women of internet communities

Tbh this is the best description of SRD Ive ever heard. Fits so good

That she thread is the same fucking thread they have when they demand that Spanish speakers break their language and use the idiotic LatinX slang term.

" really need to change your language because to's a no-no word!"

I did my part when I reported a literal fucking antisemitic post with Jewish caricatures to the admins

Press T to thank this brave tattletale

Could you imagine being caricatured? On the internet, no less? Imagine in this current year having a comic literally depict you in an unflattering way. How absolutely dare they.

That reminds me that I should probably make an effort post about Aalst Carnival this year. Last year's edition made for some spicy drama, and if the rumors are right, this year is going to be even better.

reported to admins for your flair

SRDines are some of the lowest insects on the internet. Fucking anarkiddies are less pussified.

lmao they get so mad when AHS gets called out for the same shit. These morons can't help but fight the culture war. "It's okay when we do it!"

Or them constantly bringing up r/gamingcirclejerk as the "right way" to handle a satire sub. You're just happy because it went full radical towards your dumbass political affiliation

/uj don't worry i love minorities

/rj minorities bad

/uj dude nigger lmao

/rj dude nigger lmao

Annette seems like too much of a based radical centrist to be a SRDine. òvò

She’s likely not found the light. Inshallah she will fund her way to the promised land soon enough

legbeards mad

when are the admins gonna kill that sub?

I think the same about SRD every time it gets linked here.

When I become Fuhrer SRDines will have to walk around with a fish stapled to their chest.

That might confuse some people.

If they don't like a certain subreddit then just don't go their and ignore it. i don't understand the point of the autistic screeching.


nice try

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