A basic troll riles everyone up in the Scotland subreddit

1  2020-01-22 by Standard12


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they really can’t help themselves can they

lol they are really, really angry about this

Imagine a conspiracy-believing, racist, sexist, narcissistic, nazi-employing, lying petulant child that has Twitter tantrums and who writes and speaks at a 5th-grade level being the guy you look up to lmao

🤣 he was so furious he had to drop all his insults into one comment

Absolute S E E T H E

Trolling is inevitable in social settings with low social value. It’s the same thing as a guy yelling expletives at the news camera.

the world will feel the impact of his great administration for centuries to come.

Could it be any more obvious?

Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. A basic troll riles everyone up in ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Visiting r/Scotland is like rewatching Still Game. It used to be funny.

Spot on.


Why does Scotland have a subreddit? It's not even a real country. Òvò

Hi there sweatheart. My name is Bob and I live in Tampa. You should come visit me. We have beautiful beaches fantastic malls and great restaurants. I'll take you shopping for some sexy loungerie at the Victoria's Secret followed by surf and turf at the Red Lobster. I'm a senior but I take Cialis daily and can satisfy all your womanly desires. Please email here on Reddit so we can plan your trip to Tampa.



Based and boomerpilled

Prasing Daddy on r/Scotland.


remember when they got a chance to vote for their independence a couple years ago and they were like, "eh nah we're cool, thanks though"

braveheart lied to us

The Scots have endured centuries of being England's bitch and it hasn't made them stronger, just sadder and even more of England's bitch.

Ireland bombed their way to freedom, what's Scotland's excuse?

The munchy box

The saga of the Independence Referendum is made doubly funny by Scots whining about the Anglos refusing to let them go back on their promise to have only the one vote, and their reason for wanting to do so being yet another opportunity to prostrate themselves in front of a foreign European political power.

The saga of the Independence Referendum is made doubly funny b/c they're now assmad the Anglos won't let them have a do-over (not having one being a condition for the first vote), and they only want the do-over for the opportunity to prostrate themselves in front of yet another foreign European political entity.

Equally funny is how they claim they're entitled to a do-over because "ThEy CaMpAiGnEd On ThE vAlUe Of ThE eU mEmBeRsHiP!!". Yea, and if you retards had any fucking sense at all and had learned anything from the past 400 years it's to never trust a godamn Englishman. You had your chance, you pussied out, you're now married to that english hag forever.

Perfidious albinos!

It's just hilarious to me that they don't even want independence, just to swap out masters. Living up to their description in Trainspotting:

The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization

Berlin cough Brussels will surely treat us better than London!

Paying no attention to the fact that the UK parliament literally rigs itself to include more Scottish representation than they'd ever be entitled to based off of population while the European parliament barely even qualifies as a fucking parliament because they don't have legislative initiative.

remember when they got a chance to vote for their independence a couple years ago and they were like, "eh nah we're cool, thanks though"

braveheart lied to us

anything that jeopardises the dole is an unacceptable risk to scots.

Why are europoors obsessed with daddy? Don’t they have anything else to talk about?

Deep down they all know that their countries aren't actually relevant beyond being a US client state through NATO. And even in a twilight zone episode where the US disappears overnight, 90% of Europe would just get subsumed by Germany The EU and continue to be someone else's bitch forever.

He sat them at the kid’s table. They preferred it when American leaders pretended they weren’t vassals.

Constantly winning is something they've never really experienced

Hahahah take a look at Bob's history. He's a good ol boy

The only thing worse than being scottish is being scottish and a moderator of this subreddit.

The mods there are furries? That explains a lot. ôvô

Have you ever been to Scotland

No. At one time I wanted to visit, but after interacting with you absolute retards, I no longer want to.

Based and Scots-pilled

The golf course thing is great because Daddy really took those rubes for a ride in that situation.

It's not very polite to scan through someone's post history to find out if they play video games. Just ask. Many gamers are pretty up front about it

I love his response to the n-word count bot

Mod him

Bob is a classic. Is it the same guy tho? He has a sub that follows him around and a bunch of copy cats have popped up

Oh yeah Scotland? England's cuck?