A man makes a simple statement: "my grubhub driver refused to spoon feed me, a disabled adult (self diagnosed ADHD). Why I was right to call the police". Pronoun-cels did not like this at all.

1  2020-01-22 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole2


Why are people reading that like he wasn't calling himself a disabled adult


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Idk if it was a real service dog that's pretty shitty of the driver. Of course it was probably an """emotional support""" dog that isn't protected by law.

Uber isn't a real job and I don't think they should have to follow that particular accommodation like most places do. I'm not saying that to dig on Uber drivers either. Legitimately disabled people should have some kind of service better than Uber that caters to them, but Uber straight up isn't for that. It's a gig job. It's a step up from money under the table. And it's their god damn car. lol

It's a step up from money under the table

Step down. Now they have to worry about taxes, stupid company regulations, and being part of a bureaucracy rather than just being tossed a couple bucks and calling it a day.

Honestly idk. She has a wheelchair but can walk sometimes apparently, claims to have PTSD, etc. Most likely scenario is that she has some real condition and is stacking a ton of made up shit on top of it to milk it as much as possible.

I kinda agree with you tho that the Uber driver definitely shares the blame, especially since she allegedly told the driver about the wheelchair and the dog beforehand. In the end tho Uber is at fault, it's a shitty service for both customers and drivers as far as I'm concerned.


she's jewish. explains most of the scenario

people actually support mayo foids being able to bring their stinky boyfriends in the car lmao

couldn't have been anything other than a white woman wanting to bring her lover everywhere she goes

Lmao I just thought it was making fun of that fat bitch from the other day who was complaining the driver wouldn't run the food up to her apartment, this is infinitely better

Lmao in the comments Door Dash asked her to dm them the guy's information.

That was an automated response, I'm pretty sure.


Jesus lord

Oh he's been gone a while now

The spoonie community is unironically hilarious tbh. They have a great kiwifarms thread.

/r/illnessfakers for when you want to see reddit's homegrown version

Eh that place has so much potential but just ends up circling a small group of histrionic nuts like livestreamfail. Needs more diversity. They should pull a real power move and nuke their user base like drama, but instead go up to 100% and start fresh.

Man, lol. I've had to bring my dog with me in an Uber before. It super-sucks to ask but literally all you have to do is call ahead, ask if they're cool with it and offer a fat tip for the trouble. Somebody will take you up on it, and those who don't aren't doing anything wrong. It's super inconvenient and you have no idea how the dog will act. Mine happens to be good so I'm not worried about a biohazard fee but they have no way of knowing that even with a self-professed service dog. Shit is ridiculous.

Do people pay for their service dogs? I always thought they were given out in some sort of a lottery system.

Yeah lol. People pay for them.

Much cheaper to get a fake one "licenssed', but yknow that wont be able to do anything so.




What triggers this fking bot



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This, but unironically.


  1. A man makes a simple statement: "my... - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Well you're five minutes late but sentient as usual so I guess I'll let this slide.


I thought that was jerma

jerma and etalyx fused into one being

This is profoundly retarded


And yet here we are with dozens (hundreds?) of seething replies

All of them angry for him ironically saying what they unironically believe lmao chef kiss

Social media is what convinced me that Uncle Ted is right.

It appears that during the next several decades the industrial-technological system will be undergoing severe stresses due to economic and environmental problems, and especially due to problems of human behavior (alienation, rebellion, hostility, a variety of social and psychological difficulties).

We need to bring back eugenics.

Imagine getting baited by dirt bag left Twittercels this hard.

I'm so close to convincing myself to make a Twitter account to fuck with these people but I still need to be a somewhat responsible adult and I would spend 20+ hours a day dunking on these retards

i've got one on the line right now and it's honestly so fun when they bite

Dude I literally don’t know wether to be happy, to laugh, or be sad. I literally can’t discern any meaning from what is happening. It reads like one of the threads on the subreddit that only has bots comment

You said it, gamernuts, I've seen life-affirming Twitter pile-ons and Twitter pile-ons that make you want to die, some of the new ones just confuse me, in their bothness.

Our bread and butter

Adhd doesn't make you a potato though

He can’t sit still to eat.

I unironically hate these new delivery services. I live ground floor in an apartment complex that is next to like 4 other apartment complexes and these assholes will rarely even enter my complex let alone bring anything to my door. The last time I ordered the prick had the nerve to ask me to come to another apartment complex to some random dude's apartment because he had a delivery there and he didn't want to drive to my complex.

Here's a plan: go get your own fucking food you entitled western pussy.


yeah these delivery services just don't make sense. The time between food is prepared and you're eating it makes a huge difference in taste and enjoyment for basically everything. "Professional" delivery drivers have zero interest in minimizing that time. In fact, optimal delivery patterns could increase that time drastically (compared to you getting it yourself).

Yeah a 15-30 minute outing to get some food is annoying, but it's sure as fuck better than waiting 45-60 minutes and having it arrive lukewarm.

You mean spending that extra 30 minutes pacing in the front room and gazing out your bay window looking for unfamiliar cars coming into your neighborhood is unproductive use of time?

But Jannies can yikespost and lock so many extra threads in those 30 minutes

It's about efficiency, they don't have time to cook or pick up food when they're working that hard

I've known some door dash people and if you take their word for it, they actually do have an incentive to get it to you as fast as possible because they have to min/max all their time to make a living wage in anything under 70 hrs/ week. They don't want to be in the lobby of a fast food place or restaurant a second longer than they have to.

I think it's always cold and stale and shit because the restaurants and fast food joints obviously aren't prioritizing your order over their seated / waiting customers.

Oh do they not load up on multiple orders and make multiple stops? I always assumed they would do something like that.

Also I assume they are getting to the restaurant a good 5-10 mins after the restaurant has already completed your food. But I could be mistaken. I own a car and am perfectly capable of driving it. I know my way around my neighborhood. I'm not going to use doordash until one of those things change.

Seriously, when did this become a thing? lmao getting a pizza delivered is still a rare treat for me, who the fuck wants cold ass Burger king delivered for 3x the price?

When society anxiety wasn't beaten out of kids and they hit 30.

Social anxiety was beaten into me and I still can drag my ass out of my house to pick up food when I want. Leaving the Hunter/gatherer stage was a mistake, these people should be allowed to starve.

It's fantastic when hungover.

See, that's just piss poor planning. Grab that shit before hand, let it sit for 10-12 hours, and then stuff your disgusting face with room temperature burgers like a fucking adult.

I already ate them the night before while piss-drunk.

That's why you buy some to eat that night and hide the other bag somewhere in arms reach of your bed. I feel like I'm dealing with children here!

This guy knows his midnight snacks.

Nothing beats being high or drunk and suddenly remembering your stash of food

Finding the bag of Taco Bell you forgot you grabbed on the way home when your BAC is in the triple digits is almost better than mainlining heroin

I’ve had this urge to get some weed for a while now. I haven’t bought some in a while now, as Europoorland still hates the Devil’s lettuce.

This post of yours may be the one that convinces me.

Hell yeah, dude weed lmao

As someone who mainlined heroin every day for years I am going to have to strongly disagree.

5 years clean this march tho

I was never cool enough to shoot up but I sniffed and smoked a bit back in the day and understand this is an exaggeration lmao

I think I would have used something like that when I was in college before I got my first car, but definitely not after that.

Remind them which one is the customer and which one is the wagey who has to keep his precious 5 start rating then you colossal fucking puss

💪flexing on them wagecucks💪

trustfundlets eternally BTFO

I bet your ass drove and picked up your own food and still paid him. What a little bitch boy.


I thought that was her, but I didnt wanna do a dox 😱

Wait there are other bird furries? I thought only kaara was that retarded

Have you learned nothing here? Never underestimate the depths of retardation on the internet

Fuck these twitter users and their shit memes. "Got the whole squad laughing" "stealing your meme" and other disgusting zoomer memes

To be fair they're barely people so...

you're right, we're furries. all of us.

there will be a furry president one day.

76th trimester abortions when?

I really hope that black twitterposting is ironic for all but the most drugged out wiggers. Or..

when the bae be all like yall better not let me catch u niggas niggapostin whomst man this is fr fr

As someone who was diagnosed with ADHD by a medical professional, your joke is incredibly demeaning and abelist. You didn't even spend the time reading up on ADHD...

Nigga ADHD doesn't make your legs stop working.

Go look at that mans profile pic and tell me it doesnt scream male feminist


The absolute state, current year, 🤡🌍, etc.


Just not even making an attempt to pass lmao

imagine calling urself a woman and leaving the house with a 5 o clock shadow

That familiar smirk...

Taking shots at the chronically ill is a real bad look

Yes, the chronically ill who have self-diagnosed ADHD



(clinically self diagnosed)

If I fed 10,000 Salon article titles into a bot, I would expect that bot to write something like this.

Just save the time and have Brittany Coopers fat ass write it lol

Autistic disabled nb trans woman.

Jesus Christ. Words dont even have meaning anymore lol


There that's all she (male) had to put.

cishet married Dad. Hospice Chaplain; #9w1; Pro-LGBTQIA+;

Fandoms: #Browncoat #DS9 #WeAreStarFleet #StarWars #HP

God. Fucking. Dammit. How can you be this much of a caricature?