Nutjobs on consume product scared of chemicals in the water making them gay discuss which water filters are best, and also argue over whether going organic is being pure and safe enough.

1  2020-01-23 by TeeEssDoubleU


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When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Nutjobs on consume product scared o... -,

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Yes this is the real science issues we need to know about.

this thread is evidence that schizophrenia is contagious

I am schizophrenic, do you want to be too?

i believe you and im terrified

Imagine taking the Alex Jones pill unironically

Even marketing for consumer products says “BPA free” on plastic anything, and yet everyone here is scoffing at reasonable measures to avoid plastic contamination in water?

Never heard of BPA and it’s analogues like BPS? Micro plastics? Phthalates from PET bottles stored in warm weather? Or even just “water bottles are no good because they leach”? Or drugs flushed down the toilet getting into the water supply? (The federal government even recommends turning in unused pills to collection boxes for this reason). This is a known and publicized issue, not conspiracy-level “fluoride in the water turns the friggin frogs gay.”