“How can I and other crazy ass bitches further castrate our men from what is left of his dignity without their awareness?”

1  2020-01-23 by ReinhardtWVWB


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This is my new favorite drama source. 🤗

I have never seen such a selection of batshit crazy ass bitches anywhere else

Look at this:

“If I was unfaithful to my marriage I would expect it. The unfaithful spouse has to be willing to do anything the faithful spouse needs to feel safe in the relationship including polygraphs. Reconciliation is a gift given by the faithful spouse to the unfaithful spouse. The unfaithful spouses life needs to be completely transparent.”

All the dude did was watch porn and she wants him to use the polygraph

I know she’s referring only to porn but I can’t imagine why anyone might be tempted to cheat on her 🙃


Dear insane foids,

I provide online polygraph tests for half the cost of an in person polygraph, and I guarantee results with the same reliability as a polygraph. Simply ask me instead of your unlucky moid, and I can divine the truth with the same accuracy as your local polygraph practitioner.

Can you do a polygraph but try to determine if I'm lying by holding my dick?

You have no dick, and are lying.

Just because it's feminine doesn't mean it's not a dick bigot.

Grip the phantom dick, bigot.

He deserves it because he puts up with it.

I get really tight when people bring up polygraphs. When cops use polygraph it's not to divine the truth, they know they don't work, irs to scare the living fuck out of a suspect when you tell them they failed the test.

she used the word "safe"

that's how you know it's bullshit. they never use that word in situations where actual safety would apply. safety for women is more like "not being made uncomfortable".

there needs to be a betting pool on how long till there's a "i just got arrested for trying to spy on my man!!!"

it's hard because I don't want to go behind his back...but he has previously, too!

Bold of them to assume they're being sneaky. Also lmao his example of "going behind her back" is SLIGHTLY less egregious than becoming a living 1984 simulator

nice try

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What a bunch of sociopaths with power and control issues.

Single parent households

Are you even suprised?

they r just coomers

When a man does this it’s “toxic masculinity” but when a foid does it’s celebrated.

That shit will get them a dime in federal prison.

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, same law that Aaron Swartz offed himself rather than do time for violating.

Yeah only legal if they’re doing this to their kids or they own the phone. This shit can get em banned from touching a phone never mind stalking their “significant other”

Real talk, I know two of these militant anti-porner types irl. They both have two things in common:

  1. A history of eating disorders in adolescence

  2. Now super-Christian trad wives.

So imagine that, foids with a history of low self esteem and body issues, combined with the power of the J-man, turn into neurotic messes when their husbands want to check out some fresh tittays. 🤔🤔🤔

oh man i wish i knew one of these people, it would be so fun fucking with them

So to get a trad wife I should stalk anorexia support groups 🤔🤔😍

Hoverwatch is $25 a month and illegal if you don’t own the phone, and you know these psychos are all poorcels meaning they’re probably using their simp’s own money to pay for themselves to be monitored.

We truly live in a society

Doesn't discussing how to commit crimes violate Reddit's rules?

It's called conspiracy and is just straight illegal.

The absolute state of coomwives

The lol farm never disappoints

If your girl doesn't realize that sometimes you gotta throw the porn on and rub one out, she's naive and inconsiderate and deserves to be single and childless

Have you seen how men act in literal patriarchies? If we don't want to wear burkas or get punished for being raped, we have to keep you all in line. I'm sorry, but sometimes a little emasculation is called for.

Foids rise up