Crazy broad's husband's porn habit brings them a daughter (conceived thanks to the "redhead cowgirl fuck" chick and IVF), inspires her to have a makeover (though the red dye seems to have gone penetrated the blood-brain barrier) and get bariatric surgery, and she's still mad?

1  2020-01-23 by thowaway_throwaway


You need to ask him “was getting caught part of your plan?”

Of coursh


These bitches is crazy lmaooo

do not comment or vote in linked threads

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foids are too fragile lamo

get a homie, homies are better than foids

watch porn with your boys

who says you can't make it yourself ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

walked in on a room mate watching gay porn with another dude like 15 years ago.. thing was the room mate sure, he was gay but the guy watching it was a married neighbor.. he "swore" he was not gay.

Must of just been a couple of homies kickin it right?

please continue

they said no homo that means it's straight

Normal; don’t shame homies bro

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics.

Give each other a hand.

Any of you guys want to be my "ally" on Covenant Eyes so you can see whatever porn I'm watching in real time?

They really are when I was dating this foid I had casually mentioned I met a girl with 2 differently colored eyes before and how it looked really cool. This was in reference to some picture on her laptop where the guy also had said 2 colored eyes. Apparently I had offended her and she "cried for 3 hours". When I found out well obviously that's kind of a lie you'd be dehydrated and die maybe. However I merely asked if she wanted to make out for 3 hours to make up for it. She had that dumb embarrassed face when I said that. She said no but I gently pushed her down and smooched her for a bit anyway. When she told me to stop I just jokingly said noooo it hasn't been 3 hours.


No, as I stated, this is a true story about me. I'm skipping over details as it would be long as fuck.

it is now

Omg you did a rape

FearOfBees has a lot of splainin to do for this rape. No indication of consent at all.


It's a true story


Can never get enough of spergposting

Wow thanks kid i really dont fucking care


nice try

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What is this

Let's get down to business
I don't got no time to play around what is this?
Must be a circus in town, let's shut the stuff down
On these clowns, can I get a witness?

maybe don't post again

But I like tiddies though


You can call me whatever you want if it means I can keep liking tiddies


nice try

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Nigga what the fuck do you mean?

Dammit that stupid song is stuck in my head now

Lmao this legit is one of the most funny things I've been reading ever.

Imagine the guy normally watches ebony porn instead of redhead porn and just wanted to change things up

She legit nearly killed herself cause a man looked at a consenting naked woman on a screen

Every time she looks in the mirror she can’t help but think to herself: “redhead cowgirl fuck”

And to the moid it was just a quick minute or two of jerking off then he probably closed the tab lmao.

"For you, the day you found "redhead cowgirl fuck" in my search history was the most important day in your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."

Am I “redhead cowgirl fuck” enough for you yet?!?!?!

Thats the thing: he probably didnt "deny" his porn use, he had no idea it was an issue lol

She would have been crushed i hope this shit is real lmao

Driving yourself crazy cause your husband watched some porn, well she was probably always crazy

I kept cracking up while I read that. My favorite part is how she aggressively loses weight, dies her hair and gets big stupid titties as if to say “this’ll show my dumbass husband to think twice before he jacks his dick to redheaded Asian porn”

That poor bastard must be in hell. Not only is his wife a batshit insane fatso, he’s not even allowed to look at what he wants in private. I don’t know how anyone can handle being married to a fat middle aged foid without going postal.

Oh no, my wife isn't a big fat whale anymore and I can actually look at her while I fuck her. What a punishment!

“Yeah dude, my wife got real pissed about me watching porn, so she tried to make herself look like a porno star. Now I’ve been crankin’ it in the living room with porn on the big screen and she practically lives at LA Fitness.”

What if he's into bbw now? 🤔🤔🤔



Hapa? Red is exclusive to mayos

The virus has gone worldwide.

Whoa trippy

birr burr


Ok I understand how one can be an incel now

he could probably look half decent without such a shit haircut & beard.

Demanding effort is literally violence

When Asians bleach their hair the result is pretty red.

That's why bleach is called bleach. When asians use red dye it turns out orange.

My new favourite sub. I'm going to post porn over there. They'll all be cheaters each time they see it.

They lock every post we link to. Considering just going to /new and linking every thread there.

I think we did that with r/relationships.


nice try

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nice try

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i honestly question how this could possibly be real. How can anyone be this affected by someone jerking off to porn? I dont like porn at all either, but if it bothered me to the point where it drove me insane, i'd have left that person ages ago.

She makes it out like she's discovered he's been killing children and hanging them in his basement when she found he likes to jerk it to azns. Delusional

Who has porn in their search history in 2020. It is literally easier to browse porn incognito than not.

Incognito is for teenage boys and people who jerk off on their school/work device.

>letting google see your porn habits with third party cookies

Peak cuckoldry

Clearly as an incognito user you are an expert in data science. I concede.

Pornhub curates a nice recommended session if they have all of your previous searches. Be a big boy and fly that jerk off flag high.

The trick is to have a dedicated porn browser with adblock.

Nigga I'm not re-searching "big ass fart domination" and going through 6 pages on pornhub twice smh my head

Imagine not watching pterodactyl porn

If it's not in my search history surely the company/school can't see where I've been!

Spy shit

Bruh lmao I literally leave porn tabs open in my regular browser on my phone. Easy to go back to them like that. Who the fuck uses incognito? Nooooo you can't find out I watch porn noooooooo!!!!

jesus christ imagine being such a pathetic loser that you have to have porn constantly on hand in case you need to "go back to them"

maybe these foids are right.

I only coooom a couple times a week. It saves time just having the tabs open.

Break glass in case of intense wank craving

just get laid, loser

coomer cope


Letting porn companies mine your phone by leaving the tab open

I doubt is mining BTC on my phone. Maybe other data but they've already got all that lol.

its bait dude

Lotta loyalty for an abused spouse

if I removed that porn addiction would you die?

it would be extremely painful

you’ve got a fat cock

for you...

nice try

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That baby is gonna be a redhead.


nice try

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This is what happens when your wife is boring fat and crazy

I like how the guy finally comes clean and, in a moment of vulnerability, confesses that he has an addiction - and rather than try to be supportive or understanding, she just INSTANTLY weaponizes his weakness as a tool to exert her own emotional trench warfare.

goddamn. the curse of heterosexuality strikes once again.

Pfft, I know homos that pull the same shit on each other

it is spreading


nice try

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Calling it an addiction was a hail mary play. The alternative is a messy divorce that so often ends in a man's ruin.

There's a simple solution to this. Hell have to compromise by getting her a dog.

He promised me that in 2015 (the year prior) when we went to the fertility clinic the day I had my egg retrieval for IVF, and he was to provide his "sample", that he used the naked photos I sent him and not the porn the clinic provided for the purpose.

That night I went for a long drive and wound up almost killing myself, if not for the suicide hotline I'd be dead.


Imagine living with someone like this.

Its the level of crazy where the guy just sighs and gives up every issue

Ive never related to something so hard in my life

There's nothing more disgusting than jerking it to your own girl's nudes. Feels wrong

Lmao! That was the best part. Imagine being so delusional you say to your spouse, "YOU DONT NEED PORN, HERE JERK OFF TO ME"

lmao if that post wasn't enough, I see some baneposting in the comments

this was a delightful way to start off my morning

TFW you owe your daughter's creation to Zoey Nixon.

Our couples therapist (was a dude, big mistake) told me that my husband looks at porn "probably because he enjoys the female form". Thanks asshole, really helpful; I'm sitting here being chubby while most of his porn was "redhead" "big tits" "asian" etc.

MY FUCKING SIDES (that are smaller than hers)

I dye my hair red with henna now. I got bariatric surgery and have lost a ton of weight. My next stop is to get breast implants. He doesn't want me to do any of this, and of course he feels guilty, but he's ruined me.

Dude is Chad af if he's got his crazy bitch to polymorph into his turn ons.

This is fiction. There is no way there was over a year of history sitting on his computer for her to comb through.

Boomers don't know how to ctrl + h

So what is it when you get sucked off by your girl while watching porn?

Is that like the ultimate in your face cheating?

I can't think of a faster way to give your gf insecurities

So you mean I shouldn't tell my wife to just give me her dirty underwear while I go rub one off to Mia Khalifa getting fucked by two black guys?

Oh my gosh you stuck around

Being involved in drama which gets linked here is the patrician way of finding this sub. We walk the path of kings, my friend.

Oh my gosh, you stuck around. Finding this sub by being involved in linked drama is the way of kings, my friend. Of course, real kings got pinged into it, but that path is lost to us...

nice try

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Meanwhile over in medical..

she should see a doctor with that, not get off at the thought of dr reddit examining her

Woman brain smh

I was lied to, married him under the pretense that he wasn't a porn addict, had a baby under the pretense that he wasn't a porn addict, and now he makes three times as much money as I do so I feel like if I left I'd be screwed.

foid privilege

She can leave and rake him over the coals in court for half his paycheck. Good thing she's apparently too insane to realize that.

Seriously, do people not realize that the person you're marrying is a flawed individual? You marry all of someone, not just the parts you like.

married him under the pretense that he wasn't a porn addict, had a baby under the pretense that he wasn't a porn addict,

Hey, let's be fair, he probably married under the pretense she wasn't a nutbag

Nah tbh this is on him too for marrying a nutbag while knowing his lifestyle is incompatible with the nutbag's nutbaggery.

and now he makes three times as much money as I do so I feel like if I left I'd be screwed.

She doesn't want to end the marriage, okay. No, not because of the life they built together or the child they are raising. No. She just doesn't want to close the money faucet. Pay up simp.

The whole sub is full of people who seem to hate and look down on their boyfriends/husbands but never want to leave them.

Theyd rather have the moral high ground with someone they dont like than a normal relationship

She should of killed herself tbh, although having a redhead cowgirl tits mom could be fun.

smh. Imagine not consooming porn in incognito mode through tor and 6 VPNs.

I dye my hair red with henna now. I got bariatric surgery and have lost a ton of weight.

It’s changed you into something, almost like this was his entire goal

lol. If changing her was the plan, then his internet search history would be...

redhead cowgirl who is okay with her husband watching porn

The apex foid gaslights itself

I got bariatric surgery

So he couldn't have a porn addiction, but you we allowed your food addiction. HIPPOcrite.

Top tier

Yawn larp

Holy shit

I told him to come home from work early (he had a big meeting with out-of-town coworkers) or he'd lose his wife.

C'est la foid

I told him to come home from work early (he had a big meeting with out-of-town coworkers) or he'd lose his wife.

Should've went to that meeting.

No way a person can be this neurotic.


lmao "my daughter was conceived with porn." This thread is hilarious.

Now she'll only ever be able to see redhead cowgirl fuck whenever she sees her daughter.

I'm still gonna post porn over there even though you guys delete my comments.

it's only january and 2020 has had some god tier drama

OP's husband is Chad as fuck. Makes fat cash and got his fat wife to polymorph into his waifu. The man can't stop winning

Jesus Christ, that's some of the dumbest shit I've read. She's fucking crazy! And then the responses that don't acknowledge the fact that she's an insane person! Haha!

which one of you retards wrote this? good job

I know it's a troll post but these broads in the comments are really out here patting this abusive OP on the back and calling her stunning and brave

What the fuuuuck what a basket case ahahah

bariatric surgery


You don't get this surgery when you're "chubby".