SRDine civil war starts today!

1  2020-01-23 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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"She's the Hermione Granger of politics"

Shoot me in the fucking head already.

Replying to a Hairy Potter reference with a gif from quirky comedy The Office is next-level Reddit basic.

Watch out, it’s contagious. You’ll be keanuposting before you know it.

Wholesome 100, breathtaking 100. Oh god oh fuck it’s happening. Why do I have the sudden urge to buy a Switch?

little sebastian haha cry cry


She smart, driven, and genuinely wants the best for people

How does anyone believe in this

It’s the most insane thing regularly posted on reddit. Completely mind blowing

How does anyone believe in this

Statistically speaking the average redditor is a middle class white kid in college.

Need I say more?

I will never forgive the admins for our pinging ban. This is intolerable.

Deuxrama is recruiting. We prefer non-retards but we’ll settle for Dramacels.

Deuxrama is recruiting. We prefer non-retards

into the trash it goes


Opinion discarded.

Libs did this.

Mommy says 3 words and everyone loses their damn minds. It's glorious


nice try

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Mommy is never wrong.

she killed Epstein.

Exhibit A


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burnie bros should take over srd

Too late

Ron Paul 2024


first drama then we'll can the srdines

SRDines get the bullet too


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nice try

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Unironically how does anyone still stan for Killary? She sucks, she lost, who the fuck still wants to take her side? Is it just like, mayo foids who wanted a may foid for president? Is it the chronically bitchy who want to sympathize with a chronic bitch? I just don't get it.

It's cope. They still can't get over 2016.

Meanwhile, Orange Daddy is busy creating Space Army like /pol/ said he would

He also just cucked birthtourismcels out of their gig. The comments on the hill article about it were great, people still did mental gymnastics to say it was racist.

I saw one article claiming that he was being cruel to pregnant people.

Lmao I’d be more shocked if that article didn’t exist


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nice try

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Haha no sub deserves this more than srd, I really hope they implode but I doubt it.

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"Popcorn" in every top comment. SRDines are awful.

No, that isn't how human beings speak

Assuming Hílláry is a human being, bold.

I really can't wait for a replay of fiur years ago....

I would vote for joe if he promised to take social security away from boynie


nice try

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They like her so much because SRD is the reddit equivalent of Hilldog. Nobody wants their opinion at all, but SRDines sure as hell will keep sharing them.

day of the can when