Mike "Deus Volt" Pence confirmed not a Lizard

1  2020-01-23 by GeminiRocket


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Mike "Deus Volt" Pence confirmed no... - archive.org, archive.today

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I don't buy it this is just a lizard feud.

Lizards vs salamanders

Grey lizard vs green lizard fight.

Woah, I guess Pence is not a Pedo after all.

Pence is a member of the Sacred Band of Closets.

He's gay, not a kiddie diddler like Charles.

Didn’t Prince Charles basically rape underaged girls in the Epstein debacle? I would be happy that I’m not associated with him. Why does anyone shake his hand?

That was Andrew, unless they were both implicated.

You lizards sure are a contentious people.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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I hope HRH knows that the majority of us were appalled by tr-mp's disgraceful lack of respect for the Queen. If we cringed any harder, our spines would snap.

Did she misspell "bowed"? It's literally uncanny.

One electrocutes gays the other fucks kids. Everyone in the room is scumbag.

How stunning and brave of him to pass over an international pariah like Mike Pence and go straight to the respectable statesman Netanyahu.