CopeWars: Rise of Seethewalker

1  2020-01-23 by CapeshitterCOPE


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  1. CopeWars: Rise of Seethewalker -,

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The Rotten Tomatoes audience score is amazingly still at 86%.

Suicide Squad won an Emmy.

Movieshits are subhuman.

emmys are for tv shows tho

Supposedly the website froze the scores

Disney pulling strings


I got off the star wars train during the prequels. I was never actually bitter seeing the series turn south. When I saw them dump on the original trilogy with the special edition it was kind of funny and a warning to get rid of your nostalgia.

The only sensible answer.

That post gets spams so much nothing is more unoriginal than star wars and its fans

The original OP is a furry

Jesus Christ. Imagining wanting to rape animals and talking about Star Wars fans