1 2020-01-23 by CapeshitterCOPE
1 AutoModerator 2020-01-23
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-01-23
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1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2020-01-23
The Rotten Tomatoes audience score is amazingly still at 86%.
1 theworstever 2020-01-23
Suicide Squad won an Emmy.
Movieshits are subhuman.
1 huntynomics 2020-01-23
emmys are for tv shows tho
1 SkylineRSR 2020-01-23
Supposedly the website froze the scores
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2020-01-23
Disney pulling strings
1 capthazelwoodsflask 2020-01-23
I got off the star wars train during the prequels. I was never actually bitter seeing the series turn south. When I saw them dump on the original trilogy with the special edition it was kind of funny and a warning to get rid of your nostalgia.
The only sensible answer.
1 Alicesnakebae 2020-01-23
That post gets spams so much nothing is more unoriginal than star wars and its fans
1 Dungold 2020-01-23
The original OP is a furry
Jesus Christ. Imagining wanting to rape animals and talking about Star Wars fans
1 AutoModerator 2020-01-23
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-01-23
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1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2020-01-23
The Rotten Tomatoes audience score is amazingly still at 86%.
1 theworstever 2020-01-23
Suicide Squad won an Emmy.
Movieshits are subhuman.
1 huntynomics 2020-01-23
emmys are for tv shows tho
1 SkylineRSR 2020-01-23
Supposedly the website froze the scores
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2020-01-23
Disney pulling strings
1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2020-01-23
1 capthazelwoodsflask 2020-01-23
The only sensible answer.
1 Alicesnakebae 2020-01-23
That post gets spams so much nothing is more unoriginal than star wars and its fans
1 Dungold 2020-01-23
The original OP is a furry
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2020-01-23
Jesus Christ. Imagining wanting to rape animals and talking about Star Wars fans