Absolute state of Amerilards

1  2020-01-23 by Matues49



Man they really got lazy with the naming conventions after large.

Maybe they didn't expect some humans to have the mass of celestial body.

I can see the perfume ad where they just let the bottle enter orbit around him with dramatic music playing

L'ardass by Givenchy


Didn’t know that was a size tbqh.

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. Absolute state of Amerilards - archive.org, archive.today

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Interesting how they hid his weight in the final shots


Is this some class of oil tankers?

With all the fucking grease they consume, probably.

Thankfully they aren't bulk carriers 💩💩💩🤢🤢🤢🤢

The “fat tax,” or markups for plus-size customers, has sometimes been rationalized by retailers that claim more fabric and materials are needed to produce larger clothing.

well no fucking shit when your clothes size is "circus tent" it costs the sweatshop more money to make it

Its not just the increased fabric and materials, but also issues with the manufacturing process.

There's only so many people that will buy XXXXL clothes, which means less people to spread the cost around for setting up the production process.

His name was Robert Paulson Arcadio del Valle.

Way to go, Bitch Tits, you're famous for being a fat tub of goo.

Yesterdays models would kill themselves through bad diets and drugs; today it's heart disease at the age of 32 and I think that's beautiful.

person of size

kill me now