Brexit is happening, bugs are a buzzing

1  2020-01-23 by unrulyfarmhand


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Am I alone in dying silently over Brexit? I'm so sad that this has happened. I am now and always will be European. Heartbroken 💔

youre still part of europe after brexit lmao the absolute state of limies


You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. Brexit is happening, bugs are a buz... -,

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What a weird turn of events its gonna be once British healthcare refugees arrive en mass on mainland Europe.

Typical European, can’t stop thinking about fleeing, surrendering, or refugees.

If you are denied coverage you stay and fight the illness like a fucking man, dammit. Eat 5 baconators and two 2-liter bottles of Gamer Dew for breakfast and give the cancer diabetes.

As an american I’m sick of people talking about medicine as if it’s good.

Take a few milligrams of Prayerlenol if you’re in that much pain.

Couple oxer-code-ins and a Natty Daddy will have you right as rain boy.

Takin medicine is like slappin God in the face.

Whatever happens, i hope the british suffer. Also i totally forgot brexit was even still a thing lmao.

Oh it will be glorious as they need to rapidly renegotiate almost every trade deal, from a position of weakness.

Every country is going to turn the screws...

Lol imagine identifying with a continent.

On the one hand, I want Britain to suffer, one because fuck the British and two because Brexit is retarded.

On the other hand, if the British suffer the redditor will be so God damn fucking smug about the fact that they somehow wondered into having the correct position. I cannot stand when smug retards like the redditor are accidentally correct.

Easy win-win scenario: Britain does just well enough post-Brexit to trigger exit movements in every other EU member state feeling testy towards Brussels, then they can suffer with the rest of Europe in the depression created in the aftermath.

Lmao imagine thinking Brexit is going to decrease European unity instead of increase it 😂😂😂

Dude, Brexit has been such a fucking clusterfuck that even the most ardent euroskeptics have started rethinking leaving. It's over, Brussels won and London ensured that fact, and they're going to put the nail in the coffin when the UK economy goes through the ringer

Shouldn’t have outsourced all that labor if you wanted to be independent, bunch of snaggletoothed idiots.


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why exactly is brexit supposed to be bad? do bongs really not trust themselves enough to not fuck up their own economy that they need 50 belgians to micromanage them?

It's primarily about increased barriers of trade with their biggest trading partners. While this will let them stray away from EU standards, the more they stray the harder it will be for them to trade with the EU. Best case scenario they implement smart policies to offset the trade barriers, but considering the two main parties are the Tories and Labour that will never happen.

Basically, and it pains me to say this, the redditoid is actually kind of right this time. Brexit will see a massive decrease of the UKs growth rates unless they stay so aligned with the EU that they basically become a non-voting member.

Growth rates are so gay

Dude, open and competitive markets lmao

The idea that we should oppose one massive central power in the middle of Europe isn't a bad one. The problem is that the whole process has been undertaken in the most retarded, ineffective, clusterfuck of a way possible. The people who took part in the referendum, especially at the time, don't even know what the EU is. It essentially became a vote of I like Europe vs let's feel patriotic and wave a flag.

The whole thing should have been planned out, the population given a series of options such as to remaining in the EU and reform it, soft Brexit, hard Brexit etc... Instead they were given a vague 'shall we leave the EU?' and nobody really knows what's going on since then or what's going to happen, or what form the Brexit will be and so on.


Ireland reunification when


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Brexit is happening soon, and it always will be