Foids are mentally ill: An Anectodal Evidence Regarding Mental Well-Being of Female Humans.

1  2020-01-24 by aduketsavar

Since mods banned me for a day because "filter evasion", I thought I'll shitpost my personal life and whine like a little bitch instead of making """"""politikal"""""" comments.

So there's this girl, let's call her Mel. We've known each other for two years, give or take. At first I've been trying to flirt with her but eventually gave up because she didn't give me any green light but we stayed friends, like actual, kinda close friends. I moved away from the city where both of us lived. Then when I moved away she started jokingly flirting with me. I thought it was because I'm most unserious person ever she thought I wouldn't take it seriously and I didn't. I even told her about some other girls I've been seeing so my un-interest towards her would be totally clear.

Fast forward, from last September to December I went off the grid for three months or so, nobody except for my family knew what I was doing, I didn't return any calls or messages and didn't use any social media. I was mostly unreachable. Last month I got out of off the grid mode and began talking other people again, including Mel. She asked me of a picture of me and said she missed me so much. Everything went back fo normal, except... Out of nowhere she began acting cold to me and told she was mad at me. I didn't understand what's going on and asked why, she said "no reason". I thought she was joking but she began replying me with one word answers and kept doing it for two days. So I asked again what's wrong and she said "I'm not mad at you, I'm disappointed because you weren't there for months. I felt like you left me."

Her wording was so weird. What the fuck does "leaving someone" mean if we are not in a relationship? But I tried not misreading it. I told her why I went off the grid etc. and left it there. But she wasn't any friendly here on. I asked whether she was joking because what the fuck? She said "I'm sorry but we can't go on, now we are half, we will never be as we were." (Literal quote, translated). Now I'm more confused than ever, because I thought we were just friends. It turns out we were "BF & GF" and "I was aware of that". Like, how? What the fuck is going on in her mind, I don't know. Sad thing is this much instability from a foid isn't the only example I experienced. I think being a foid should be ruled as mental illness.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. Foids are mentally ill: An Anectoda... -,

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She had you on hold. The fact that you weren’t still super concerned about her and trying to chat everyday was sickening to her, because you were supposed to always be an option. You weren’t actually in a relationship, but she knew you wanted to be at one point so now she’s just being spiteful.

To her, this all makes perfect sense and you are a stupid idiot for not getting it.

I'm a very simple minded person and this 64D chess game breaks me

Dude totally missed out on being her fallback after she got filled up with dick cheese and pubic hairs. It is a shame.

Afaik she doesn't have much of a dating life, too busy doing her PhD. So it's not that I'm a fallback guy either, which makes it weirder I guess.

She could just be very weird, but I kinda doubt it. Idk. You can try and make nice with her again, if she really had her heart set on you she will bounce back to it.

I would avoid her like if she was the Antichrist.

You fell off the face of the planet for 3 months and were dead to the world. If any of my friends did that, I'd worry they could do it again and not be anywhere near as close to them as I am now.

Stop speaking incel and go clean your room.