Is it ok to make fun of tards? Tards discuss.

1  2020-01-24 by MasterLawlzFan


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People can be terribly cruel and seem to lack simple human compassion. I don't understand it. I was just having a conversation with my friend about how Reddit seems to be a breeding ground for sociopaths, or at least people pretending to be sociopathic in order to appear "cool."

Shots fired at /r/Drama

Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. Is it ok to make fun of tards? Tard... -,

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People can be terribly cruel and seem to lack simple human compassion. I don't understand it. I was just having a conversation with my friend about how Reddit seems to be a breeding ground for sociopaths, or at least people pretending to be sociopathic in order to appear "cool."

Shots fired at /r/Drama.

in order to appear "cool."

The joke's on them

Since when is laughing at absolute fringes of society "sociopathic"? Do people even know what the word means.

Yeah. I’ve seen these folks laugh at furries and bronies. Those groups did nothing wrong and yet they’re called ‘cringe’. It’s sick.

said unironically

Bronycide when?

Not soon enough.

Day of the glue factory approaches, inshallah.

Reported for doxxing. Cringetopia and the OP of that thread will both pay for making fun of me.

Why is there a Jeff Koon in Walmart

Seriously. Unless it harms someone, let the person do their own thing to be happy/comfortable.

In what world is being this retarded not harming anyone? I'm sure if you saw his parents you would see the exhaustion in the eyes and the fake forced smiles.

That guy managed to leave the house. He's doing better than the average redditor.

Imagine being this unfunny. The day I can't call someone a retard online is the day I logout for good.