1  2020-01-24 by TrappyIsBae



nice try

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As soon as eggman gives a person rightoids semi-like meaningfull advise, they chimp out, how predictable....

Is eggman secretly a radical centrist?

His mouth is writing checks that his eggs can't cash. This can't end well for him

haha he's bald and his dick can't make sperm guy

now seems EXTREMELY obvious that his obsession with everyone else's fertility is some kind of projection

Literally both his parents were institutionalized. And hey, like he admits, all aspects of personality are determined by genetics.

Nothing says "mommy issues" like constantly talking about women and their eggs and how they should be having babies.

this is a good post

I'm actually really surprised ramzpaul is verified on Twitter. Idk what he's up to nowadays but he would post screeds about the Jews on YouTube

I've come to enjoy age-awareness man for his drama production abilities.

Eventually this egg posting shit will blow up big time on Twitter, and I hope to be there with a nice Moscow Mule, a nice mild Cohiba, and some buxom ladies in latex nun outfits tweaking my nipples at every volley.

Imagine only having one kid and its a girl lmao

Ramzpaul is perhaps the only person in that entire ecosystem with even a tiny grasp of optics/not acting like a hypersperg