Two local dramatards have an autism fight over whether it's okay to kill babies (hint: killing babies is very cool and very legal)

1  2020-01-24 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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I'm not touching the abortion debate with a 80 feet pole because it's one of the most complicated topics ever. However I like calling parties in the debate retards, so everyone on that thread is retard.

i think it should be completely legal up to the point where the brain develops consciousness, and in fact you shouldn't even feel bad about that shit, but late abortions after consciousness generally develops shouldn't be allowed

tell me why im a retard 😘

You are a retard because the cut off point for consciousness is very hard to detect if it's detectable. Also there are some good reasons against accepting consciousness as the primary factor for human rights. As I already said I'm not touching the subject with a 100 feet stick but let my favorite philosopher say something.


If you're looking a more serious thing, I'll definitely suggest Christopher Kaczor's The Ethics of Abortion, not only it's an excellent introduction to the topic, Kaczor also picks a side -pro life- and defends it through various objections professionally.

People shouldn't be forced to care for another human being. If you want to give legal personhood to a zygote/fetus then it has no right to be inside that person and the woman has the right to take out at anytime during its gestation. If that "person" dies then that's that.

Bodily autonomy is important and the state can't force you to use your internal organs (which puts your life in danger) to take care of another "person".

i mean you chose to fuck and therefore risk creating something that temporarily survives off your body. just scoop that shit out before it becomes a person, if you let it get that far thats your own hoe ass fault

Cope. Imagine willingly letting the state legally cû-ck you and your body just because "hurt feelings/christ-shitter nonsense"

before it becomes a person

And how do we determine that? And either way, it still lets the state force you to put your life in danger in order to care for another "person" using your internal organs.

i havent been within 10 yards of a foid in years, so idc about this personally, but yes the state absolutely needs to reign in foids

Absolutely wrong. Abortion should be legal but only after 5 years so you can see if it's a shithead or not

I'm on your side just because he was stupid enough to take Kat_B0T's bait, although I don't like killing children.

I was entertaining myself.

Okay, fine you're based then.


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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I was surprised not to see a certain decepticon throwing his two cents into the debate there