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1  2020-01-25 by CapeshitterCOPE


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No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope or /r/democrat

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Lol could you imagine your friend telling you he's suicidal and just being like "haha shut up fag lets go slam some PUSS"

78% of suicide rates world wide are men, what can we do to help them?

thats some quality bait tbqh

Cock and ball torture


nice try

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See all the guys on here saying “end fэminism”, they’re the kind of guys who push tфxic mascцlinity and macнo bцllshit, you guys are the problem. You hate wфmen, we get it. This idea that mеn have to be ‘super maиly all the time, no emфtions, no fэelings, that’s girlу shit and being a giгl is GAУ!’, it’s absolutely fucking patнetic.

Encourage mеn to process their feэlings, to discuss them, to be open, to be gentle with each other, to not ridicule each other for being vulneraЬle, to stop being so fucking violэnt to everyone, stop seхualising everything (right, you have a diск, you want to stick it in everything, calm the fuck down).

Fэminism is about eqцality between the seхеs, not feмale supreмacy. You’re so terrified of being treated the way you treat woмen you caмpaign and lash out against something intended to help you.

IDGAF if this gets down voted to oblivion. Tохic мasculinity is кilling мen, woмen, childrеn, the fucking plaиet (no guys, it’s not gау to reсуcle). If we’re gonna get serious about сhanging anything, start at the sоurce.

Editеd to add: I knew I could rely on the commeиts to prоve my pоint exactly lol morоns

"start at the source" lmao the irony


nice try

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Nobody suggested giving them a loaded gun. Disappointed.


nice try

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nice try

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i give up

Why not just link controversial 🤔

Moid fragility lmao

Lmao one of the top posts is uncle ted's manifesto, based

Feminism is eugenics.

Reddit does not understand men at all lol

Here's the best way to not commit suicide as a man, stop caring about foids and getting horny by looking at them.

The entire thread is pretty tame I had to do some digging to actually find anything at all. Even then it's not really Drama just people lacking self awareness

A problem is that the feminist movement has been going for multiple decades so far and there are philosophers who've done work in the field. The similar is not true for men, so we are a bit behind from a philosophical and activist's point of view.

We can change that, but as allies to feminism and not as enemies (such as MRAs).

Remember that women's issues come first, bigot!

I don’t get why most people here don’t understand this. They’re acting like women weren’t fighting for decades for equal rights. We’ve built momentum along the way and we’ve had time to build momentum because women faced such oppression in the past. No one is stopping guys from having their own movement. All I see is “you guys say you want to hear us but you never actually do!” Well, most people didn’t want to hear the fact that women wanted the right to vote... it’s not all rainbows and sunshine, you face a LOT of opposition. Don’t stop just because you get shut down once or twice. How do you think BLM or LGBTQ rights got this far?

The lack of self awareness is crippling