Mayo foid wapo "journo" spent the hours after kobe's death tweeting about his rape case from 2003. Twitter is not having it

1  2020-01-27 by wow___justwow


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Mayo foid wapo "journo" spent the h... -,

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'This is why people don't like the media' my sides

The real culprit has been found!

Gooberglomp strikes again!

lol yes, it was right wing psychos fueling the hate against her, not the countless millions of fans kobe has around the world, and general rules of civility that she grossly violated for clickbait.

How is it possible to have her head that far up her own ass?

Disparaging a dead man less than 24 hours after his and his daughters sudden accidental death death đź‘Ś

Accidentally saying the no no word live on tv 🤷❌❌🤷

What is it about watching twatter users foam at the mouth while calling others psychos thats so damn entertaining?

Obviously GamerGate made black people not Pokemon Go out to the polls to vote for Hilary like they did for Barack.

GamerGate is notorious for its outreach to the black community after all

Obviously GamerGate made black people not Pokemon Go out to the polls to vote for Hilary like they did for Barack.

Pokemon Go fuck yourself

Why did you bring this back to my memory?

Pokemon Go out to the polls

This will never not make me smile in an embarrassed-for-them way. It was her >please clap. 🥰

all these years later and im still not sure what that was all about. I just know that everyone seems to think it was a big deal

it was literally just autistic /v/irgins mobbing retards on twitter

Frst time the parasites got pushback on their woke-forming a hobby. Well, perhaps not the first, there were Atheism+ before, but it was the most intense internet slap-fight.

Is there no length that Gamergate will not go to in order to rape and murder women?

Imagine having so little going on in your life that some athletes passing has a significant impact in your life.

lol reminds me of a situation i'll never forget, I was interviewing someone for a programming position on the day michael jackson died, the dude had done well answering our questions and was about 30 minutes into the coding test when he came and found me and was like "i love michael jackson, I can't do this right now" and just bailed.

I won't deny that I'm a bit sad about Kobe's passing, but here I am at work the next day.

Still keeping a look out for the chapo take - that he deserves it for riding in a helicopter something something wealth inequality.


I mean, I get being saddened by it. I won't knock anyone for caring about someone else.

But then you see comments like "I've been sobbing all day" or "I shitted my pants" and you think to yourself "really?".

Do grown men and women really bawl their eyes out for some stranger like that?

I won't knock anyone for caring about someone else.

step aside then, I will

Knock knock

Imma serious post for a second:

I did when Mac Miller's posthumous album came out, but the album contextualized where he was mentally during the time of his passing and it just hit me hard. Also in being a fan who connected with his past projects, just knowing that someone who made something that resonates with you won't ever again left a weight.

Music is a bit different, I'm not sure how some people connect to something like sports but I won't rule it out.

who the fuck is that shut the fuck up no one cares

Dear god thank you I thought he would never shut up

Lol faggot

what made you think it was ok to post this garbage

Elizabeth Warren

sorry but when a rapper dies the only approved reaction is to go on the internet and tell everyone that you don't know who that was and don't care

chapo take already happened lmfao

original tweet's account got taken private tho

Still keeping a look out for the chapo take

Chappos can't criticize Kobe, he's black and they value identity politics over class struggle. They have more scorn for working class white Trump voters than a millionaire black dude who sells Nikes made by third world children.

This is funny because it actually reveals how little theory those retards actually read. Racism is a product on culture and ideology. From a Marxist PoV, that falls under the superstructure, and the superstructure is determined by the economic base.

If you want to change the culture you have to change the superstructure. If you want to change the superstructure you have to change the base. If you want to change the base than you need a proletarian revolution. Read theory you stupid fucking commies.

Still keeping a look out for the chapo take - that he deserves it for riding in a helicopter something something wealth inequality.

No need, they were extremely based on the KQ.


Imagine having hobbies or interests

When Araki dies I'm going to kill myself so I die with him

What is it about watching twatter users foam at the mouth while calling others psychos thats so damn entertaining?

She deserved it, shitting on someone's grave is shitty as fuck.

Unless she didn't know, then she's retarded.

Yeah she had the opportunity to go the "i'm a journalist who just doesn't know huge news" route and instead doubled down and tried to play the victim.


Nah, he was a dumb rapist

I sent her some decent YouTube tutorials on beginner JavaScript tutorials. Hopefully this will aid her in her new career.

How is that going to help her sell feet pics and used panties on the internet?

Fetch api endpoints and scrape users who are most engaged with degenerate hashtags and send automated posts to them 🤷‍♂️


Imagine white knighting for a rapist in tyool 2k20.

No no no, if a non-mayo person does something, no matter how egregious, it must be forgiven and forgotten within 5 years. Just because Kobe basically admitted that he could "see how she would view it as rape" doesn't change anything.

Won't someone think of the poor rapist :( I mean he had kids!!

Bro hope she sees this comment

Hi bad kat how are you doing?

you actually believe her?

This is an interesting case though. As terrible as the rape case was against him. It forced a maturity and perspective on him he never had before. The Kobe that died yesterday had a loving wife and four girls that respected him and he coached and supported. He was a ferocious promoter of the wnba, and great ambassador to basketball in general. He won a Oscar. I don't think any of this happens if he doesn't get shamed for raping her at 17 years ago and is forced to grow up and be a mature adult instead of an entitled bball player. So while I don't think you can take away the stain of what he did, you can definitely see the effort he made to be a better person afterwards.

imagine thinking people change

Lmao OK zoomer

I know and (heaven forbid) anyone ever rapes your daughter. I hope (God willing) they can grow and learn from it like Kobe did.

That's the rub isn't it? If it was my daughter I would have been jailed for murder a long time ago. But That's what makes Kobe such a bizarre case. The thought of a guy like Kobe being a loving husband, father of daughters and a progressive advocate for women's sports has a certain irony to it. It shows how people can grow and change. We can't ever forget what we did, but we can't ignore everything else he has done either. It's complicated.

It's not to me at all. Once you rape someone idgaf what else you did. Your a piece of shit rapist.

To you he most definitely is. But he can be more than one thing to other people. Not everyone is an absolutist on the matter.

Kobe is more important than any foid dummy. What is this mayo pussy nonsense in my /r/drama?

I just talked about this stuff a few days ago with a friends when we saw 13 Reasons Why and they interrupt the funeral of a rapist with all his family there to call him rapist and display a banner saying "rapist"

Now we have real case. And I admit I'm still divided over wether it's good or bad.

I just talked about this stuff a few days ago with a friends when we saw 13 Reasons Why and they interrupt the funeral of a rapist with all his family there to call him rapist and display a banner saying "rapist"

holds a sealed envelope up to his head

"White, female"

opens the envelope

"What is the race and gender of the person who wrote that scene?"

In like five years, I'll be able to tell people I invented that bit, and no one will know better.

Uhm, excuse me, that man was very good at putting a ball through a hoop. He is therefor above reproach, even if he did all but admit that he could "see how she'd view it as rape".

Imagine being so desperate for attention that you literally drag a fresh corpse over a 17 year old controversy lmao

Matt Stoller

@ matthewstoller

What the Post did strikes me as problematic


I would like to say a few words in honor of the deceased rapist Kobe Bryant-

"In a supplemental police report, Det. Winters described a strange encounter with Bryant in which he hurled a T-shirt containing semen into the officer’s face."

"Police then inform Bryant that the accuser “has a bruise on her neck,” to which he replied, “Yeah I mean that’s you know me and Michelle, that’s what we, we do the same thing,” said Bryant. When officers ask Bryant how often he has sex with “Michelle,” he replies, “A lot. She’ll tell you the same shit.”

2 millimeter lacerations. Too many to count… [The nurse] stated that the injuries were consistent with penetrating genital trauma. That it’s not consistent with consensual sex.”

Washington Post suspended a reporter that linked this article on her Twiiter account.

Imagine not only caring about what gamers do, but being afraid of them.

Explain the ratio-theory again please?

a well-received tweet gets lots of likes and relatively low amount of comments. a shitshow / ratio'd does the opposite. i go with 1:1 or worse to qualify for getting ratio'd

When will people learn to have troll accounts for this stuff.

Mayo foid was 100% correct. And she got cancelled for it, lmfao.

First, I want to apologize directly to the young woman involved in this incident. I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year. Although this year has been incredibly difficult for me personally, I can only imagine the pain she has had to endure. I also want to apologize to her parents and family members, and to my family and friends and supporters, and to the citizens of Eagle, Colorado.

I also want to make it clear that I do not question the motives of this young woman. No money has been paid to this woman. She has agreed that this statement will not be used against me in the civil case. Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.

I issue this statement today fully aware that while one part of this case ends today, another remains. I understand that the civil case against me will go forward. That part of this case will be decided by and between the parties directly involved in the incident and will no longer be a financial or emotional drain on the citizens of the state of Colorado.

He then went on to settle with her for an undisclosed amount during the civil case. He raped her and got away with it.

Over/under the wife-diamond?