All vegans are like this

1  2020-01-27 by pepperouchau


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Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. All vegans are like this -,

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I haven't heard about the boob in a long time. What happened to him? He finally realized he was wasting his life doing it for free 24/7?

oppression animals are experiencing


If furries are anything to go by, animals deserve to be oppressed.

Martin Luther Lion King when?

Well, Simba Lion did get killed in a police shootout. Political assassination covered up as a gross furry sperging out.

the white hetorsexual man is truly the most oppressed class

even dogs get more pussy than him now

And that's a good thing


Shouldn't have wrote that comment while listening to music

Can we be mean to mayos while we're private?

I'm sure that Bon Iver got them fucked up

if we’re private does that mean i am in the clubs niwn

Are we still private ? Does this mean i’m part of the r/Drama clan? Wow life truly does get better !!!!

Of course we can, that's my favorite pastime

Are we private? If yes, I have ascended.

Dude black people are chimps lmao

No, they're pigs and chickens and shit now, try to keep up

It’s all so tiring

tfw u turn into a progressive cause u cant keep up with racist memes anymore


Dude his fucking edit made it so much better.

You'd think it'd be easy to not eat animal products and shut up about it, but their protein levels are probably too low to support higher cognitive functioning.

Does r/drama have any vegan/vegetarians? 🤔

I'm vegetarian but I eat chicken sometimes ama

Chicken? You cheat on being vegetarian and chicken is the meat you choose? Why?

Chickens don't have souls.

Fair enough.


I think that's called "not being a vegetarian"

If transwomen are women then I'm a vegetarian.



I have a sibling who married one and adopted the diet. They both fall into the non-obnoxious camp (at least irl, haven't seen their internet history) and it mostly manifests in having a second protein at each meal when I visit, and my parents requesting steak more often when they come visit (sibling lives near them, I don't).

Yeah and I love seeing vegan drama because as a vegan I already feel morally superior to everyone so when I see vegan retardation I feel even more superior

That’s just a delusion brought about by the malnutrition sweetie.

Better than having ass cancer


Vegetarians are just sane vegans cmv



Am vege

That guy has never seen a basketball American irl

if there's one demographic you'd e expect to be able to empathize with the oppression animals are experiencing.

That's definitely not Black People.

Edit: lmao, well yeah that came across kinda bigoted. Shouldn't have wrote that comment while listening to music. But come on, you know what I meant. Factory farming is a modern day holocaust and yeah, id expect black people and other oppressed minorites to empathize with that over white people.

lmao and he doubles down on it like a complete smooth brain. "yeah you blacks can totally empathize with these animals, right? because you're so similar?"

He's like, cmon someone must get it how about you fucking kikes?

Why nobody thought of this before?

Ii mean, if there's one demographic you'd e expect to be able to empathize with the oppression animals are experiencing.

so what % of Jews are vegans tho

I think Israel has the most vegans per capita. There was also that "Most Vegan Army in the World" article that broke Chapo brains.

Factory farming is a modern day holocaust and yeah, id expect black people and other oppressed minorites to empathize with that over white people.

It takes a special type of r-tard to believe this.

They literally think farming is worse than slavery and the holocaust. Reality is a parody of itself.

AnImAlS aRe OpPrEsSeD

Animals, actually: we don't care, we Darwinists. Stop shoving your ideology down our throats, you.... humans.


You can sense their physical frailty through their comments.

No they aren't


You are cope


Yes you are

...and people say veganism isn't part of mayo culture

Comparing factory farming to black ppl oppression is a little grotesque but I can totally see the sort of person who would go vegan thinking along those lines even if they won't admit it on the internet.

Worst strategy ever.

Expecting teenagers to understand nuance is pretty stupid

They should go protesting wolves for o🅱️🅱️ressed rabbits and deers and shit.