"what if a girl during the holocaust had snapchat"

1  2020-01-27 by unrulyfarmhand


The 9/11 Vore Conspiracy argues that the twin towers were not hit by planes externally. Instead, planes were built inside the towers, and continually inflated which eventually caused a collapse.

The anonymous theorist, reviewing footage of the 9/11 attack, stops the footage numerous times to point out "weak zones" of the town that gave in as a response to the increasing weight of the internal aircraft.

He highlights areas in the footage that portray people and objects being violently thrown out of the windows with force, as well as small billows of steam and fire, happening at the lower floor levels of one of the towers.

"Look at this shit. You're telling me there's just random ass explosions going on? Down here? We ain't even remotely close to where the plane collided. Bull fucking horse shit.'

The theorist explains that the planes were built by "crazed U.S. government scientists who watched too much Doctor Who, it was like that of a real life TARDIS experiment".

"They built these massive towers, for what? Business? Hell nah, have you seen the economy pre-9/11? It was shit. We didn't have the money nor energy for no goddamn tower of that size, and definitely not two."

We asked why the experiment would take place in the middle of a city as crowded as NYC. The theorist responded:

"It's hidden in plain sight. NYC's got all the resources in the world, right at your disposal. Nah, seriously man, look at these streets, there's a fuckin' garbage pile up just down the road. You know what kind of technology you can find in these piles? There's some fuckin' money to be made. Plus you get to make a nationwide scare if your experiment fucks up, and publicity means more money. They had all to gain and nothing to lose."

The theorist explains that any and all footage taken inside the Twin Towers pre-9/11 was simply simulated, props, or illusion. Footage of NYC recorded in a position respective to which the twin towers overlooked, was created via a clever series of mirrors originally sourcing from the "432 Park Avenue" building.

The theorist claims that any and all footage of the planes are "so fake, it's laughable", he states: "Nobody saw any planes... not in real life. Outside of what the TV stations would tell you, not a single soul saw an actual, physical plane hit the buildings. Hell, you could ask everyone in New York today, you won't find a single person who saw a plane."


  1. "what if a girl during the holocaus... - archive.org, archive.today

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“Lol like my bestie is in a concentration camp”


Foids are the women of gender.

This ^^^


Yeah when I heard her say it I almost spit out my dip


That's probably from the actual diary, it's just so weird that I don't know why else it would be there

Idk man, it seems like it’s supposed to imply that the inferior race bs had gotten to her and she said it from a place of self consciousness

Lol was hoping for more of this

Lol https://i.imgur.com/wGc5uB2.jpg

I’m Jewish and I think this is hilarious.


I can’t find it on the app. Absolutely based if real.

Damn. Sometimes the society hits you too hard.

They think it's a good idea to release stuff like this but zoomers are already enraged by it on twitter.

How are you supposed to open that?

Do you have snapchat?


Here’s a small taste, but I can’t spoon feed you.


These are awful. Am I missing some sort of narration or greater context that's supposed to make these not horribly cringey?

Greenblatt from the adI was in front of congress the other day gripin about how the guilt of the holocaust is fading in america, just expect to see a lot of rushed guilt porn soon.

Why would Americans have the any amount of guilt about the holocaust? Absolute original sin brainlets.

I think they rationalize blaming the entire world because of the Evian Conference.

Except for the Dominican Republic, nobody agreed to take refugees from germany in 1938.

was going to add u to a group chat for sharing bussy pics but ok

They have a version on instagram as well


right click -> save as -> go download a LOIC instance -> load that file up into the LOIC -> baby you got a stew cookin!

My antivirus won't let me download it



I hope the next episode has more selfies with bunny ears.

They will do anything for attention, it's actually kind of impressive

Haha this is a psychotic episode right

episode 2 is already out and this little girl is vlogging about her friend being taken by nazis


lmao this is fucking amazing

Wow 😳

Her friend annie does “heart hands” to her as she’s thrown into a truck destined for the ghetto

This is the funniest thing I’ve seen this year holy shit

Bloody hell.

It's a shame that social media companies have such a short lifespan, this question probably won't be answered during the next one.





Last episode will probably be like:

I'm in Auschwitz now, finally have signal but they want to take away my phone. What do?

i’ve got only 1 bar inside this shower room they lead us into, ttyl

why are the doors wooden?


Feeling cute 😍might be deleted later 😉🙃

Just watched it, she dies in a camp. No phones allowed in the concentration camp though silly.

No phones allowed in the concentration camp

Damn that's harsh, nazis were not joking. I'm glad my school is not doing this. Yet 😧

Qt3.14 ann frank

step back that's Charles II's wife you're crushing on

The rule 34 is horrible tho

What's funny is The people who created this were Jewish. They also weren't American nor English native so tone doesn’t carry well. It was well intentioned but kinda warped itself to the point of parody.

Well intentioned retards will only make well intentioned mistakes.

I can't decide what's more retarded, this or the fact that #MayoMoidAngreee is trending.

Did you see the snl skit? That’s where it’s from.

And women have rights? Interesting


Oy vey goyim, have you not thought about the Holocaust in the last 15 minutes?

It was the 75th anniversary stupid Nazi scum, stop sucking on Hitler's dick and go outside and get some fresh air, you absolute "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"-cel

The government would have triangulated her during her first post.

Just see those clips of Chinese vloggers getting arrested while streaming live.

Apparently she was from hungary and according to this story jews weren’t collected by nazis until mid 1944.

Hungary was a sovereign country until the Nazis invaded in 1944. That's why she was safe until then.

Yeah I figured as much. Had no idea the gas chambers were still operational in late 1944.

I want to see!

if jews were using snapchat then it was deserved imo

It has been on instagram for like 2 years. Made a big fuss back then.

In what self aggrandizing universe did the dipshit who oversaw this think that the initial premise was so profound not only to create it, but to do so episodically?

Fuck I'd be mad if they sent me to Poland too

Mein gott!

Pretty basee


"Our only hope is that the Russians will come" How many counties regretted those words.

They drew the wrong flag lmao

Lmao come up with a Jew filter.

What we need is instagram stories in North Korean prison cell waiting for public execution for espionage

This fever dream is really weird man

Listen to my story... This.. . May be our last chance.

this reminds me of way back when f7u12 was huge on reddit, the thing that was its highest autism peak was a lengthy description the the breivik shooting done in ragefaces.