Drama in publishing world as author veers wildly out of her lane to awkwardly write *GASP* FICTIONAL EVENTS OUTSIDE HER OWN EXPERIENCES

1  2020-01-27 by TayloTayloBookito


I couldn’t stand SRD. The cringe there was suffocating. One idiot was whining about /r/drama being a doxxing paradise, others were circlejerking about how the sub leans slightly right but is really moderate. And as you note OP, they all fuckin whine about Daddy, altright, and idiots who can’t get laid.


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Silly Foids

If you’re writing about anything you haven’t personally experienced you deserve to be cancelled sweaty, fictioncels btfo

It never even began for Tolkien.

bitch he wrote non-fiction


Reminds me of when RITA SKEETER writes those MEAN LIES about HARRY POTTER and is CAUGHT and #CANCELLED by the BRAVE HERMIONE

Rita Skeeter


what did she mean by this?

That's it. Finally a comment that might make me end it.

Do it faggot

>tfw I can't write anything about the (((elves))) cuz I ain't one

I read this book when it called itself The Devil's Highway, and while it was still a boring slog of heavy-handed political moralizing about the plight of the Mexican immigrant, at least an actual Mexican wrote it.

Fuck. I had to read that book for a "Social & Ethical Implications of Engineering" class Freshman year. The Professor was an old white lady who looked ready to cry every time we discussed the readings.

Ah, it was the Freshman Book the year after me. Our unfortunate asses had to read Obama's memoir instead.

Screw laws and national boundaries let them in

the book couldve been one sentence

i decided not to break the law today and stay safe at home.

safe at home

In Mexico

Yeah nah

Her character Lydia, 32, is middle-class, college-educated wife and mother who owns a bookshop in the resort city of Acapulco and survives a bloody massacre at a family quinceañera. With her journalist husband and other family members killed, the bookish protagonist and her 8-year-old son make a desperate run for the U.S. border, partly on the freight train La Bestia. Critics have mocked the narrative ploy as implausible for anyone of Lydia’s class stature, who can usually buy airline or bus tickets.

lmao this is what wine mayos think the latinos scurrying over the border are

It's why they empathize with them, poor campesinos are icky

Ok ampposter

I’m a What now

A googal shill

Luckily, all approved /r/drama users are functioning autists.

The most interesting part about this to me was how inorganic the book promotion was. Something like a dozen prominent people promoted the book without having read it, from Oprah to Stephen King. Twitter, Instagram, news programs. This is why the best seller list is meaningless.

I'm reminded of that Mitchell and Webb bit where the publisher is explaining to Dawkins that his book sold because the publisher had enough influence to get it closest to the checkout register, and not because people gave a shit about what was in it.

Didn't a Mormon cat lady write "Fifty Shades of Grey"?

I refuse to believe anyone that wrote that hilarious book as even look at a naked body...