[Dramatic Happening] Sandy shook Truther and former cop gets arrested after repeatedly harassing a victims family and emailing their social security number, address, and other information to other truthers.

1  2020-01-28 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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some of these crazy old people should just be put down cmv

It's tragic that we're running out of ice floes

Looks like hes having a stroke

That's just an old fat man mouth breathing tbh

he looks like those british wojaks

Honestly? Just nuke um all. Get them all in like a state or something and nuke um.

It didn't happen tho

Don't bother reeing at me I don't give a fuck

Don’t you have some low functioning autist stuff to do?

He tried to add the numbers on passing trains but forgot how to breathe.

Bit of a wash tbh

Lmao try saying that shit in Bridgeport. You'll get your face utterly fucking bashed in and the staties wouldn't do shit to apprehend the assailants.

They'll just say it was an unfortunate fall and not a single jury would convict.

You're fucking scum.

Lol maaaaaaad

Yes because there was a massacre that happened and you haven't deleted this account you queen pledging pleb

hahahahahahahaha but there wasn't

Delete your account you fucking leaf. I seriously can't think or comprehend anything more cucked than being a Canadian. Think about it logically.

nigga i want this country raked more than you do.

and i have a pathway to american citizenship sooooo prepare your anus


talking shit about Sandy Hook

Lmao even if you have that "pathway to citizenship" you wouldn't last any time in New England, which honestly is the only part of the 🇺🇸 that matters. Christ you're honest to god pathetic.

New England, which honestly is the only part of the 🇺🇸 that matters.



So then Texas or California? Otherwise you want to immigrate to live in one of our actual welfare states which seems like something you’d do.

are you asking where I am? DIS NIGGA DOXIN'!

nah just kidding. where would I move to? I'd probably try and find work and make do wherever that is for a bit.

I definitely would like to never see snow again, that's for sure.

The continued existence of the Eastern Seaboard is the final disproof of G-d’s benevolence or existence

I was expecting, not hoping mind you, that Kobes crash would set off another set of coast-wide fires.

you wouldn't last any time in New England

That's the only cool thing to come out of new englandom in recent history

Don't listen to the unenlightened. New England superiority doesn't need to be said.


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It happened (or did it?) In Sandy Hook though. Maybe Bridgeport should focus on Bridgeport for a change?

Uh oh, look out fellas, this guys from Bridgeport

Connecticut is dogshit but Bridgeport is a pathetic ghetto that makes fall river look like a yuppie town.

Who would admit being from ducking Bridgeport? That’s like being proud of not bathing

The Sandy Hook conspiracy is promulgated by autists trying to infiltrate, normalize, and ultimately impose their way of life on neurotypicals (or "allists" as they call us). If you promote it then you're an autist yourself or their unwitting pawn.

This is awful. I always wonder if Russia truthers will go after carter page and papadapolous in the future. Conspiracy theorists are awful, but are great for drama.

They won’t. They won’t even acknowledge that was Giuliani was doing was not only lawful, but very damning for the entire DNC.

Yup, they won’t even acknowledge that drunpf fired the Ukrainian ambassador a full year before Biden announced he was running. This is the problem with conspiracy theories, just like with qanon the facts never pan out, so they are left putting together pieces that don’t quit fit.

It's amazing at how much we've let the 1st Amendment be trampled by liberals.