I unironically think GC is basketball-woke. I've seen subtle 1350 memes get upvoted there, people making anti-pitbull arguments that would be cancellable if they switched a single word, and one time there was an upvoted comment about how drag is blackface but worse
1 AutoModerator 2020-01-28
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-01-28
Have you posted bussy yet?
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1 Alicesnakebae 2020-01-28
Imagine trusting a woman that wear her cum filled panties to her rape case. Trust no thot
1 RBnumberTwenty 2020-01-28
Cum filled panties with pubes from a different guy no less.
1 jewdanksdad 2020-01-28
Well, broken clocks are right twice a day. Dude was a dirty rapist
1 newcomer_ts 2020-01-28
You gotta give them credit for shitting over the phrase
1 MasterLawlzFan 2020-01-28
I'll give them credit when they lose weight
1 newcomer_ts 2020-01-28
That's an awfully tiny carrot.
1 RBnumberTwenty 2020-01-28
I don’t think they’ve ever had a carrot in their lives.
1 Postausgang 2020-01-28
dae feminazi fat??🤣🤣🤣✊🍌💧😜
1 CantWakeUpJPG 2020-01-28
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2020-01-28
Lol that comparison of Kobe to Epstein.
1 twelve_forty_seven 2020-01-28
reap what you sow
1 FearOfBees 2020-01-28
You know when I was a kid rape meant forced intercourse and now it just means omg ugly man touched me
1 AugustinesBitchBoy 2020-01-28
Slavery was bad and everything but I'm kind of jealous black people get an N-word pass and 1 free rape/murder
1 forseti911 2020-01-28
It actually resets every nba championship you win. Kobe could have done it 4 more times and still be clean.
1 Alicesnakebae 2020-01-28
Maybe stop being poor
1 srsh10392 2020-01-28
Never thought I'd agree with TERFoids. "Do not speak ill of the dead" can be taken too far, I guess.
1 Chapose 2020-01-28
Its a dumb concept anyway.
1 TrappyIsBae 2020-01-28
I unironically think GC is basketball-woke. I've seen subtle 1350 memes get upvoted there, people making anti-pitbull arguments that would be cancellable if they switched a single word, and one time there was an upvoted comment about how drag is blackface but worse