Terminator Dark Fate Review

1  2020-01-28 by HodorTheDoorHolder_

Holy fuck it’s not terrible!!! It’s different but I’m really impressed at how unshitty it is! I wouldn’t be surprised that James Cameron helped write the screenplay.


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. Terminator Dark Fate Review - archive.org, archive.today

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Terminator:dark fate isn't kino. It's not even good or great either.

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Low grade lawlz post 😴

I write all of my tv and movie reviews when I’m high.

Not even gonna mention the weird aryan super human sent back in time to fight terminators? Did you miss that like the writers also missed that they wrote that into the film?

What about her?

The one interesting thing they had in the film was the counter to sky net and terminators was a aryan super solider and the implications that the future post skynet if the humans win can be just as artificial and hellish as with skynet. with genetically modified super humans a eventual rift would form between humans and superior artificial enhanced humans, leading to a war and genocide of one of the groups. Do they touch on that cause it looks like a girl power character and nothing else even tho they accidentally made a great natural theme shift for the films but are to stupid to see it.

My guess is they didn't want to get too far into the details in order to delve into it in further releases. But they most likely won't do that because this one didn't make enough money for it to be a financial success.

I have no faith they planned on ever going deeper into it. Plus you can touch on the themes without showing the future or spelling it out or going deeper into it. Is she a marvel fish out of water shit cause she’s from the skynet future so is awkward in our time or is she a fish outta water because she was raised and trained to complete her mission and kill terminators and everything else means nothing in a cold way like the terminators themselves and she can grow over the course of the film. They just combine the character of T1 and T2 that’s all they had to do to at least touch on some of those things. Couldn’t pay me to watch the film but that aspect of it interested me