Normal person wanders into a nest of chapos, gets swarmed for not being a complete fag

1  2020-01-28 by CornReaper


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But it's so freshhhh

Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Normal person wanders into a nest o... -,

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it turns out taking good ideas from the right and the left just leaves you with a bunch of ideas from the left.

I eat shit all day.

Not because it's tasty but because I'm hungry.

If they brought their smug levels down even one notch they probably wouldn't be losing elections all over the world

You know who had good ideas...Augusto Pinochet

He was a fucking Breton. Kinda weird to think about that.

celtic and French mutts

Absolute disgusting

Cousin of the shifty Hibernian

Chile belongs to the nords

If they brought their smug levels down even one notch they probably wouldn't be losing elections all over the world

The real world isn’t a communist internet forum

Everyone in there is seething at that comment and yet not one person actually refuted him 🤔

You’d think that if they spent so much time on a political sub, they’d actually be able to make a political argument, no matter how stupid. But all they do is just insult everyone any degree to the left of them. Kinda makes me feel for them, tbh, cause that’s a really unhealthy way to be and they probably aren’t very happy irl.

to the right?

Same thing


mental illness is really popular with chapos

Imagine serious posting this much for çapos

Adam olsalardı çapo değil düzo olurlardı lol

Speak English you commie

Excuse me, they're roaches. Educate yourself, sweaty.

Kara boga türk

Spending time in echo chambers doesn't equip you to deal with any claim that doesn't fit on a Bing card with a single response to regurgitation without digesting.

lol look how downvoted he is tho what a complete and total refutation of his claim

If he’s right, then how come he has less total karma than people who disagree with him? Think about it logically

I've met 1 commie my entire life. They're like 1/50,000 people max. Even then most are just people who accept it will never happen and never bring it up.

Every single one of those 1 in 50,000 must have a reddit account

That's what I assume. Reddot is the biggest haven for commies in existence.

i met one last year, and she was from eastern europe like, how retarded can you be. i dunno i think some people srsly should stop using internet for their own good

Ive met a few actually. But ive seen it become more popular lately with people i would consider dim witted and lower class. Not working class mind you, usually some service worker in an urban/suburban area who wasted their life away and now in their 30's have no other options.

Yeah it's the same ones who wonder why daddy is still in office even though we impeached him.

Its a weird phenomenon too because if you spend any time in actually poor areas, in fly over country or whatever, you would never hear or ever see a drop of communist sentiments. Unless you counted unions as communist, which is a stretch. All those people consider themselves the quintessential "temporary embarrassed millionaire".

But spend one day in uppity urban/suburban areas and you will quickly see people ranting and raving about what they think they are entitled too from the people around them. Almost always coming from some 30 year old server who smokes pot all day and play vidya for 8 hours.

Based as usual, hicks.

Ya the only commies I know in real life are friends from high school that got a shitty degree in something that would never make them money and now work low wage jobs.

My brother’s close. He’s not quite a tankie, but he does go around saying that we should tax the upper class at 100%, gives an argument for open borders, believes all Republicans are fascist racists, etc.

And yes, he mostly got into the whole super left wing thing after he went to college and started using Reddit all the time.

My brother says he's a socialist but at most he's a succdem. Unsurprisingly he became one after he dropped out of college and moved back in with my parents

its like pottery

Like poetry?

Like poetry?

Like poetry?

Like poetry?

Same except my brother is an anarchist who flipped from ancap. He now gets mad anytime we talk politics because he said I don't respect his ideas and I try to convince him he's wrong. I miss my brother from when he was fun and not retarded. I blame the internet.

The emergence of the shortened 'fashy/fash' has proven to be a damn good indicator the person using it is a retard.

we should tax the upper class at 100%

wouldn't that immediately make them the poorest class in the country? then the class below them would become the upper class and the cycle repeats. that doesn't sound too bad, actually.

Reality has a left wing bias

It's not a leftwing bias. It's a dialectical process in which the contradictions of the current mode of production are exacerbated until they reach a catastrophic breaking point - redefining class relations and giving rise to a new dialectic under a new mode of production. 😎


Why did you respond to my comment

Why did you respond to my comment

Communism is good food and housing for all

When did Jordan Peterson turn into a Chapo and start using Reddit?

when your understanding of dialectics entirely stems from internet coommies' interpretation of a shitty podcast's interpretation of a dictator's interpretation of a kafir's interpretation of hegel 😎😎😎

That sub is my favorite because its leftoids exemplifying just how little critical thinking and nuance they lack, all in one place.

It's subs like that which are meant to oppose the "both sides nonsense" but ironically end up becoming a strong argument for why both sides SHOULD be considered.

It's a better argument for why neither side should be considered.

I found this reading list for military generals that had books about all manners of history, military strategy, geopolitics, etc. I started reading the books on there and by like the fifth one I realized I was no longer really agreeing or disagreeing with whatever was going on in the news, like it became suddenly clear to me that the nature and behavior of power exerpts itself pretty consistently and predictably and that whatever the news cycle was currently regurgitating didnt matter because it is all just the dynamic of a nation with rotating power.

Now everytime i see a bombshell story come out about some politician, all i can imagine are loyal followers of a pretender king passing out flyers with rumors of the ruling kings illegitamacy.

Give that list plz

Yeah give tha list please. Also that’s pretty much how it actually is. Career politicians only want power, damn the People, causes, and humanity.

Each branch has one from their commanding officer, just google it. I am going back and forth between the Army and Navy reading lists. I also suggest reading a good biographical book about napoleon, since i believe his life story to perfectly encapture the nature of power.

List please

It's not a leftwing bias. It's a dialectical process in which the contradictions of the current mode of production are exacerbated until they reach a catastrophic breaking point - redefining class relations and giving rise to a new dialectic under a new mode of production. 😎

This may be the most contrived self-sucking empty rhetoric I've ever seen.

People have been making fun of anyone who so much as murmurs the word "dialectics!" for upwards of a hundred years now.

scientology isnt even that old smh

but hegel is

Literally proving our point again

...what was that?

Holy shit point proved again.

If you don't agree with us 100% you might as well just join the nazi party


More from this guys post history:

I have had sex but never really enjoyed it. The thought of actually having sex makes me anxious and slightly disgusted. I have been in situations where I could have slept with someone and have purposefully cock-blocked myself

Why does communism attract weak and mentally impaired men? 😂

Literal volcel

Because the weak need it to survive

jesus why would you ever even post that.

Kind of based tbh because the thought of gussy disgusts me was well

Enlightened centrists are such fags. Both sides are wrong, bitch.

Reality has a left wing bias if you're poor.

Poor people don't have the time to spend debating about retarded ideologies on shitty internet forums, since they need to work to make a living. Chapos are usually priviliged NEETS, perverts and terminally online degenerates who have nothing better to do.

You know what would really help high school educated workers? Said workers paying for my college.

Workers of the world unite, and pay for my AIDS treatment!

Yup. My parents grew up dirt poor and as a result became completely apolitical. Tories would constantly throw hurdles at poor people, Labour did fuckall and became neoliberal afterwards. For a poor person there's no reason to vote at all because nothing will change anyway.






I was banned after a single comment lmao. Pussies

can you substantiate that claim

Lmao look at election results.

In my country, Australia, the only major party (the greens) that would align best with Chapos have 1 out of 151 seats in the house of reps and 9 Senate seats out of 76 seats.

Even then, The Greens aren't as hardcore as reddit commies.

Ey that's not the best example mate. Your political system is the personification of a 4chan post at this point.

Implying that Australia's political system isn't entirely devoted to lowering the quality of 4chan posts.

Enlightenedcentrism is the smuggest sub on Reddit

"the world is literally divided into cartoon villains and comic book superheroes and if you suggest otherwise I'm gonna ask you why you only want 3 million Jews dead"

wanting to kill half the jews is the truest commie take when you think about it

since like half of them are ceos


negative reddit points are literally violence

There was an anarchist here a couple of days ago who believed that mean words were the same as physical violence. You better start believing in online violence.

I like the one where Sweden and Norway are doing just fine and the people are happy

Imagine not knowing that the Nordic countries actually have a more cutthroat capitalist model for businesses with less state help than the US.

Actually a big part of their success.

Lol do these people really think these countries are communist??

That’s really interesting I personally wasn’t aware of that. Know anywhere I can read about that more?

Basics of the Nordic model - encourage corporate competition and let them die if they go bust. Make it easy to get rid of workers but conversely make sure the workers are protected if it happens.

Of course it's having a lot of trouble dealing with an immigrant population that doesn't have.. quite the same work ethic as the locals? Yeah that works.

It’s also becoming increasingly unaffordable, because you can always vote for more benefits, but not growth.

Nordic countries pretty much are a neolibs wet dream. They score very well on economical freedom indexes, yet have a strong social net.

The guy is objectively correct. These are the same people who were dead certain Corbyn would win strongly because of how popular he was on r-slash-politics or whatever. It's a hilarious level of delusion to think that their beliefs are commonly held


ITT: class cuckery

Trad socialism will win <3. Women will be housewives and men would take home the full value of their labor

> I have a degree in Marxist criticism. You are absolutely full of shit. The Soviets never practiced "Karl Marx' Communism" because they never transitioned beyond the capitalist phase. Nice try, idiot.


When you type this combination on your keyboard : I have a degree in Marxist criticism

I don't know what should happen to you but you shouldn't absolutely not have access to a keyboard afterwards.

The eternal hibernian strikes again. Why trust a Br*t on anything?

I’ve had sex but never really enjoyed it. The thought of actually having sex makes me anxious and slightly disgusted. I have been in situations where I could have slept with someone and have purposefully cock-blocked myself.

chapos one upping themselves again

Leftoids seething at the fact that some people wish to understand two sides.


Eternally online