stupidpol already doing those faggy "I'm a converted X supporter" posts, still 10 months out of the election

1  2020-01-28 by DayyyTripper


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These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

Why the fuck are these comments being multiplied?

Reddit app is currently sperging out and saying post failed after submitting comment but the comment is actually being posted. They see it failed and keep clicking submit creating what you see here.

Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. stupidpol already doing those faggy... -,*

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bad bot

Thank /you/memes_ofproduction

Oh so we're supposed to instantly forgive you and roll out the red carpet? Give you royal treatment as a reward for basic human decency? You think you deserve a cookie for doing what black Jewish autistic trans women have been doing for literally their entire--

AHAHAHA just kidding. Can you imagine though? Congrats man, welcome to the Good Guys.

Welcome brother, we’re gonna win this thing

i just gave that dudes campaighn $50.

it was actually hard to do it as i haven't donated to an organization since recreational marijuana started becoming legal. i dont like pot heads but i thought and was right that we could change an archaic law putting large swaths pf our youth into the criminal system and ruining their futures for an inherently political crime.

but ive been thinking about it for weeks. im a really busy guy, and ill never go to a rally. but i had $50, and even if Sanders loses i think i can sleep at night knowing i at least made a showing of support more than an updoot.

Smoking weed is "an inherently political crime"? Lol

Lol the OPs posting history shows he’s been on stupidpol a while.


memesofproduction doesn’t really strike me as right wing

Wait, isn't stupidpol rightoid?

No, just Brocialists

🅱️rocialism is based.

It's leftists who hate idpol.

or so they say

if they hate it so much they should stop doing it

Hey being a straight, white male isn't an identity, it's the default setting.

Anti-idpol leftoids.


Pizza's home away from home


I thought so too but then they went all Bernie bro

And they'll go back when Biden is handed the nom

i cant wait to see this years overnight change in r/politics to 100% biden support and pure anger at anyone who suggests it wasnt always that way

lol people are downvoting you


Now upvote me




rightoid berniebros

yes, we exist

But people get banned for saying the nigger-word? How can you call yourself rightoids

November cant come soon enough.

I wonder how they'll feel if it turns out like he UK election. That is, they get their relatively radical guy in, the general population (who are not very radical) don't like him, the other side wins. Instead of having a centre-left guy in power, they give it to the right wing.

the general population loves him tho

Not in flyover country.

Sanders is leading in Iowa...

Didn't 2016 teach anyone about trusting polling?

So, instead of trusting my "polls", we should trust your own "nothing"?


Based retard

Except Bernie won't get the nomination. Again.

Just a heads up, you posted this comment like 7 times.

The weak should fear the strong, the singlecucks should fear the multichads.

Fear us.

Fear us.

Fear us.

Fear us.

Fear us.

Fear us.


Except Bernie won't get the nomination. Again.

Except Bernie won't get the nomination. Again.

Except Bernie won't get the nomination. Again.

Except Bernie won't get the nomination. Again.

Except Bernie won't get the nomination. Again.

Credit where credit is due, stupidpol is probably the only leftwing group on the internet that is actually capable of comprehending the Marxist concept of class struggle.

Theyre also the only ones with enough brains to realize that the blue collar steel worker from Indiana can be convinced to join a union but probably will mever give a shit about gender neutral bathrooms for queer oriented pansexual non binary weirdos from brooklyn.

So many socialists getting hung up on validating 0.3% of the population is a terrible strategy

The average woke twitter/tumblr/reddit leftist are to traditional leftism as MDEfags/zoomerright rightoids are to traditional conservatism. The only difference is that the wokies are way more common than actual altright fags.

The annoying part for leftoids like myself is that most 'left-wing' spaces on reddit are sickeningly neoliberal. Centrist.

/r/enlightenedcentrism is fucking hilarious because it's full of people who don't realize they are the centrists.

It blows my mind when I see you leftoids perceiving reddit as not lefty/progressive enough

Dude, yeah

Ol' these reddditors

Nothing they know

They are all fools

Dat's right

On reddit

Whereas very few are leftist


Very centrist

On reddit

They just say trans rights

Ew, these are human rights

Like they know nothing

On class struggle

Like workers, farmers and shiet

Come on man

Obviously it doesn't have to be like that

What a shame


Exactly US conservativsm need to get back to its roots of expanding H1b visas, trans college leadership summits and UNYIELDING opposition to Hezbolllah


Exactly US conservativsm need to get back to its roots of expanding H1b visas, trans college leadership summits and UNYIELDING opposition to Hezbolllah


Doubleposting is the future.

Doubleposting is the future.

Not my fault, it’s bad TECH

It gets dumber as it gets more popular, and despite kind of getting Marx they also are completely ignorant to modern criticism of Marx.

theyre still retarded and engage in idpol constantly lmao


I'm probably gonna end up voting for Bernie but god damn it do I hate almost all the Bernie supporters

Are you a registered Dem? If not then you'll have to write his name in, because the DNC is going to give the nomination to Biden or Warren. There is a 0.0% chance that Bernie gets the nomination.

You're being incredibly generous to the DNC here. I have no doubt in their ability to let a commie from outside of the party to hijack it and manage to lose to Trump. After 2016 the one thing we can be sure of is that the Democratic Party is run by retards who like to lose.

You got me there. I should have thought it through.

The DNC is too rigged for any commie to take the reins

As it should be. You can't play in the Super Bowl if you aren't on one of the teams going to the Super Bowl.

This is a sports reference.

I am a registered dem

👆👆 This one.

Bernie's only purpose in the race is to be a foil for Pocahontas so that Uncle Joe can run for President.

I'm a life long registered dem and this time I think I'm going for Trump. The reason is simple - my investments are hitting record returns. I'm not naive enough to believe the President is responsible for any of this, but I also want the next 4 years to be filled with impeachment histrionics so that no one has a chance to fuck everything up.

"hurr durr im voting trump because the system is so messed up"

lol well maybe the system wouldnt be fucked up if people actually voted for what they try and believe rather than trying to play 4d chess and screwing it up for everyone else. Get bent.

I would love to see the dems get spanked again by the most unpopular republican since Nixon, so they get taught a lesson in likability and actually appealing to people

if people actually voted for what they try and believe rather than

Yes, because senile Uncle Joe or Princess Pocahontas are just sooooooo superior choices to the crazy reality tv show man.

If you peddle shit don't be surprised that people choose their turd sandwiches from other places.

as far as i can tell bernies purpose has always been to encourage younger people to vote that usually wouldnt because they dont care about neoliberal or neocon shit

the idea is that hell rile them up to till theyre frothing and shit and then when he gets ditched his fans will automatically support the more left wing of the two options

remember how he instantly gave all his donations and support to hillary last time lol

It's a verifiable fact that anyone who makes a "I'm a former X supporter but now I support Y" is just attention whoring and never supported X in the first place.

Yea, nobody ever changes who they support. They all just sit there with cum dribbling down their chins like you.

yeah you know ive been right wing all my life but trump made me mad on tv so now ill vote for a jewish socialist that cowers to black women

this definitely happens

I knew we'd turn you into a Bernie supporter eventually

correct me if wrong but you can change who you support without essay-posting about it on social media


fatclownbaby 8 days ago

I've tasted my own and it honestly tastes like nothing. Maybe a little baking soda lite. But it's not bad at all.

I wonder if it's like farts, someone else's is always worse.

rip me for getting baited i should have known better 😞

Based, and might I add, red pilled.




It’s so proddie when people do this


Shut the fuck up gaywads

It’s so proddie when people do this


Shut the fuck up gaywads

It’s so proddie when people do this


Shut the fuck up gaywads

It’s so proddie when people do this


Shut the fuck up gaywads

It’s so proddie when people do this


Shut the fuck up gaywads

tfw you post 4 times in a row

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

Rightoids mad x13


These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

multiposting retard


These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

I agree with Spysix, it is Her Turn.

Trump vs Hillary 2020.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.


the poltard is literally shaking rn.

litrly shanking nd cryng

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

hes been in the workforce for like 60 years. Any idiot earning decent money for 60 years can rack up some decent investments.

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

Do your fucking research you idiot. He never joined a commune. He visited one to write a story for his student paper in college. He was asked to leave because his presence was distracting to the other commune members while he did his story.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

Lets ignore the racist part of your comment, and focus on the second. The exact reason hillary and the DNC fucked him over was because they are terrified of him.

In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Do you actually think racial oppression doesn't exist? are you that stupid?

The only people that praise those corporations are idiots. Im sure we can both agree, most people arent close to informed enough and happy to lap up whatever bullshit a corporation spews out. Same goes for the right and the left. Both sides have plenty of corps pandering and saying whatever they need to to keep people buying their crap.

hes been in the workforce for like 60 years.

Being in politics and doing absolutely nothing is not the workforce.

He was asked to leave because his presence was distracting to the other commune members while he did his story.

Ah, the stalinist revision.

Lets ignore the racist part of your comment, and focus on the second

I hope you're not literally shaking rn over an internet comment.

The exact reason hillary and the DNC fucked him over was because they are terrified of him.

Oh and because he wasn't a complete pushover? Got it.

Do you actually think racial oppression doesn't exist? are you that stupid?

Are you that stupid to eat up the rhetoric? Racial oppression is so low in this country we had a black gay actor fabricate a hate crime to keep your stupid narrative going. If you want actual oppression, look at black on black violent crime statistics. You don't know it, but I live it.

thanks for letting me know you are an idiot so i do t have to waste more time on this. Very considerate!

Says the useless idiot. Enjoy your meltdown on nov

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Lets ignore the racist part of your comment

lol why he did exactly as described

he looked down in shame and let two retarded black women sperg out on stage for no reason

thats what hed do as president, cower and flinch at everything like a fag and give concessions to anyone who spoke at him angrily

Do you actually think racial oppression doesn't exist?

it unironically doesnt lmao its not colonialism anymore

if anything minorities have more rights

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression

hm whered all this idpol come from and for what purpose?????

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

These days I can't decide what exactly my beliefs are, but I can't get over the obvious contempt that most elites have for the middle class and below. Bernie, for all his perceived faults, has never once wavered in his message.

Bernie is literally one of those elites that has contempt for you. He needs you to keep donating so he can buy another house for his kids.

He weathered the Reagan years, the dissolution of the USSR when it seemed like capitalism was the only answer, and then the financial crisis of 2008, standing by his beliefs all the time. That's admirable to me

This just in, old man who is so lazy he was kicked out of a commune sticks to his message of free shit1 for everyone across decades.

1: Paid for by 'the rich' aka you.

What's finally put me over the edge to give him my vote is the way he's completely getting fucked by anyone in a position of power on the national scale.

Hmmm, I wonder what other candidate weathered such a storm for five years, where the odds were stacked against him from the legacy media.

Its clear that they're terrified of someone like Bernie shaking things up because he doesn't give in to idpol (for the most part), he just sticks to a message of class unity.

Aren't we talking about the same old man that sidestepped his own rally for two angry sheboons and again when Hillary stole the nomination with "super" delegates?

feeling disillusioned and angry that we're constantly having our race or gender thrown in our faces when we're just struggling to get by.

I'm sick of seeing someone that wants to change my lot for the better get fucked from every direction, so Bernie's getting my vote.

Those statements and sentiments of frustration are the same reasons people voted for Trump.

Dude's a closet trump supporter but doesn't want to admit it.

I think in many ways idpol is a useful distraction to maintain the status quo.

No shit. Back in 2012, the country was focused on the class gap and how the few held the the country's wealth against the many. In a few years we start arguing with each other about mythical gender bullshit and racial oppression to the point the same people against corporatism, root for corporations that are 'woke' because they change their logo to a rainbow for month.

Funny how that works.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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