Rising female dating von Clausewitz tries to seriously apply cringy fanfiction in real life only for the guy to laugh in her face

5  2020-01-28 by mysrsaccount2


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In the history of things that never happened, that never happened by far the most

or if it did, the only response from anyone involved was that some deranged psycho chick was screaming her head off in the library.

Albert Einstein (a high value male, mind you) then kicked in the door, proposed with a 40 carat diamond ring, handed her his wallet and the keys to a Tesla (low value male) Model S, and then struggled to carry her “voluptuous” frame out the door and into the sunset. 😎

She probably did go into the library and scream at a bunch of random dudes. But I'm sure the people staring at her were there for the cringe 😛

That was some weird shit.

they were so embarrasses

Wonder why...

because they always put me down and make fun of my looks/fashion/intelligence/you name it..

But then it hit me. I am an intelligent, hardworking, ambitious, beautiful woman. I am not going to let these boys speak to me like this any longer.

And you know what? Literally five minutes afterward I got an apology, something I have never received. Point being, sometimes the only way men will respect you is when you demand respect.

It all reads like terrible Fanfiction

That reads like someone who got bullied imagining the perfect scenario after the fact as to what would have totally owned™ them

I tried this with an HVM. He laughed and said no.

Silly foid just got downgraded to a bootycall.

That wasn't a downgrade. She was always a booty call.

Dear FDS: "high value men" can get sex from women like you ...as evidenced by the fact that you had sex with him. Being a slut (which is the implication of "I have other men on speed dial") isn't adding any extra value. Nobody is thinking, "oh boy! She's a slut! I'd better marry her!"

The problem you're trying to solve is, how do I get out of the booty call zone and your cunning plan is I will make it clear that I'm a booty call for him and other men too. Good luck with that.

It seems like loyalty and standards would be a better strategy. Have you tried not having sex outside of a mutually monogamous setting? You might lock down a HVM if you show him you can be loyal, and hold him to a standard of escalating commitment in exchange for your loyalty.

Yeah, even today the “if a guy really likes you he’ll wait” thing still holds. I’ve never had a one night stand (not for moral reasons; I used to be a little neurotic and wouldn’t have been able to relax if I only met him that day**).It’s usually only two weeks or something, but literally no guy ever just (“lost interest”) because of it. They probably would just see it as a “test” or strategy and ruin it (since you have to be sincere haha).

wouldn’t have been able to relax

Anecdotally, that seems pretty common among girls who make for better girlfriends.

I've picked up girls who let me take them home and then I ended up thinking, "it doesn't seem like she's really into this" but over subsequent weeks we spend more time together and she turns out to be great and we have real chemistry and the sex is quite good. I've also picked up girls who very obviously, very conspicuously were getting off early and often and I'd feel like a sex genie, but there'd be more red flags than a communist parade, so no girlfriend zone there.

Who knew that undesirable losers’ strategies don’t work

I still can’t tell if that sub is full of larping incels or not

I dont think so. From some of their comments it seems like they're partially foids who got their ass dumped too often, and partially 30-40 year old divorced foids who think they can demand things.

Comments like this aren't new.

Just tap anything about Pick Up Artist for Women (most hosts of them are men), you'll see a ton of misandristic and stupid comments... by women.

I do feel this is a brilliant strategy but very hard to pull off...


Execution is exactly the problem - I feel that it can come off very easily as manipulative,


Manipulative strategy comes off as manipulative

Really makes you think

That is some r/selfawarewolves shit right there

So, wait, would the guy also be free to date around until they're married? Because I guarantee that would not work out for these femcels.

That sub is TRP, but with even more incels and,like, 0% chance of working.

It's almost like she came up with a strategy that would work on herself, if the dude was doing this shit to her.

No, the guy can't date around because if he does then he is an LVM and needs to be dropped.

What is this retarded LVM HVM MTF fucking bullshit. G-d these abbreviations make me lose my mind.

Low and high value men. Basically they think they're Meghan Markle trapping their Prince Harry.

He should be known as Prince Hairless

Like any good cult such as scientology or chapotraphouse they need to invent special code words and acronyms to help indoctrinate their followers and also to spot who doesn’t belong.

So incel dogwhistles. Really makes you think

Seethe cope dude bussy lmao


dude bussy lmao

LVM means low value man. On FDS this means he no longer replies to her texts or returns her calls. One foid called a guy an LVM on there while she was literally stalking him for breaking it off with her.

So it's the opposite of trp. Cope instead of facing reality.

Oh great they think just because people put pussy on the pedestal they get to decide it's value.


At least TRP is consistent. These foids have the consistency of my grandmas shit.

Was it soupy today?

Grandmas famous chicken noodles

Manhattan style

bussy chowder

TRP is consistent

I think TRP is logically internally consistent. You can decide for yourself if their worldview is accurate, but at least it doesn't contradict itself.

In that FDS post on the other hand, they talk about how a guy is supposed to chase them, and then in the same paragraph they talk about having guys "on speed dial." Uh sweaty, if you're calling these men, then you're the one doing the chasing.

Oh it works great for being a last resort booty call. Trp on the other hand works for the guys who swallow it, move on and leave the nest.

you have to be unapologetic and willing to walk... they will chase you. if they don't, they weren't willing to compromise anyway. but if you set the terms and go "but i don't need you to Wife me up" and are willing to ✌️ out, he may entertain your perspective and come after you once he's had time to think about it

I know they dont jave boyfriends, but have they ever talked to a man before?

If they have they're talking to the weirdo nofappers of r/loveafterporn

For a good laugh, here is a cached version of the "strategy" when it was first introduced on FDS to wild acclaim:

Underrated Strategy - Single to Engaged, no Boyfriends allowed

Here is how it was supposed to play out according to the script:

Time passes, its been 6 months to a year now. You are now the only woman he is talking to, because you take up so much of his time and money trying to keep you unavailable for other men, but you still have 4 other men on speed dial. He knows that, and it drives him crazy. He realizes that he has gotten to know you, as much as you will allow him to, under these circumstances and he can't imagine losing you now. He is now ready to propose, because the idea of another man having you keeps him up at night. He would rather take time to have a longer engagement and lock you down now, than continue to risk letting someone else swoop in and regret losing you forever.

Lol, no guy is going to tolerate 4 guys on speed dial. This would be good fodder for a putative "women writing men" sub. It's literally just incel philosphys "dread game" with the genders reversed, which doesn't account for the differences in how genders handle conflict.

Here the list of reactions I see that situation producing ordered from best to worst:

  • dump her for playing games

  • make friends with your speed dial guys and dump her under "Bros before hoes*

  • take the speed dial guys as endorsement of infidelity on his part.

  • find the guys and fight them

  • beat her until she deletes the numbers

A guy isn't high value by fucking definition if he tolerates an abusive relationship like that.

It's so unfathomably retarded. They claim to want high value men. What guy who has his shit together is going to tolerate a subpar woman telling him she'll date around until they're married?

This just has to be an incel troll sub.

At the very least the incel version of this philosophy targets a kind of woman that exists. That's the foid special though; wanting two diametrically opposed things and being furious when you call them out.

"What do you mean tell you what's wrong? You should just know!"

If she's really hot then this strategy would work. But then again, so would covering herself in cow shit and telling people she's the Sandman. There will always be a 6 or 7 ready to take a 9.

This just has to be an incel troll sub.

Its actually not, and its pretty easy to figure out why.

They seem to believe moids think exactly like foids. To a foid, a guy with 4 other women on speed dial is incredibly desirable and worth chasing. To a moid, a girl with 4 other guys on speed dial is a booty call (or in some places just a completely average foid). No-one is going to chase the village bike.

Basically, they project onto men their own thought proccesses. An incel knows that a woman with 4 side guys isn't valuable.

A woman thinks that because she finds a man with 4 side girls valuable, he must find a woman with 4 side guys valuable too.

There's one more strategy for a guy who would fall for this kind of manipulation: Murder-suicide. It never ceases to amaze me how many women will find a mentally unstable guy and basically be like "I dare you to strangle me to death, faggot" and then they're surprised when it happens. You can giggle as much as you want about his "LVM" but if you get in a relationship with a legit psycho (which seems to be the goal here), making fun of his dick or his hairline or his paycheck or whatever isn't going to make you feel superior when he's drunk and pointing a gun at your head and you've got 2 seconds left to live.

Familiarity breeds contempt. Siegfried and Roy didn't respect the tigers because they spent so much time with them. They build up "he wouldn't" so much, they forget it's entirely separate from "he can't"


These retards are so deluded about their value that they still wouldn't realize the error of their ways with a gun to their head.

It literally screens for spineless guys that get walked on and are the subjects of r/loveafterporn posts

I'm just waiting for the inevitable make support sub , /r/loveafterloveafterporn

It already exists, r/menslib.

I meant for people interested in ending the abuse, not perpetuating it

It's literally just incel philosphys

genders reversed

You've summed up the sub.

Lol, no guy is going to tolerate 4 guys on speed dial.


Alternatively, fuck the speed dial guys to show them the gussy ain't worth it and leave her in the dust with your new gay poly foursome

You forgot the sixth option "fuck the speed dial guys into submission".

I've actually encountered girls like this a couple of times. Couple of things they will never admit:

  • They get super butt hurt when you say no thanks to the arrangement

  • They're the same girls who complain about only being able to find a FWB

The real issue is that they take no personal responsibility for the situation. Instead, they try to shift all of it to their dating partners. There are plenty of women out there who are able to find men that want to marry them, without any complex strategy.

If they had any self-awareness, they'd acknowledge that they are clearly doing something wrong. It's either them as a person, or their selection process. Trying to manipulate a man into marrying you isn't a strategy the average woman needs to employ.

Even if this does work, all they've done is essentially manipulate someone who doesn't want to marry you into marrying you which, when added to the fact that you are completely fucking insane, is a perfect recipe for smouldering resentment at best and murder suicide at worst.

That’s more of a shitty tv show script than an actual strategy

can't even fathom how disgusting a chick would have to be put this much effort into scoring some dick

This is what happen when you overdose on romcoms

They seem to believe moids think exactly like foids. To a foid, a guy with 4 other women on speed dial is incredibly desirable and worth chasing. To a moid, a girl with 4 other guys on speed dial is a booty call (or in some places just a completely average foid). No-one is going to chase the village bike.

I always wonder if posters on this board are LARPing incels (I guarantee at least some of them are), but this is too obviously written by a foid who doesn't understand moids to be a LARPer.

i was gonna say, a girl with 4 dudes on speed dial is just a perpetual side chick


Foids being insane x24

In what world do these femcels live? It's certainly not our actual world.

The world of Fanfiction.net

Every guy you talk to is super excited when you first tell him you dont want a BF/GF relationship, because he doesn't have to worry about you begging him to be your boyfriend in a few months.

Their whole premise is wrong. Just because they are sluts doesnt mean the men (especially 'HVM' they want) are.

Cool, it's red pill for women.

Women love red pill.

Imagine thinking you're intersting enough for all that shit.

she should write a fantasy book

I employed this tactic my whole life because it was how my parents thought. In my family there are no boyfriends and girlfriends, and bringing one home is a huge sign of disrespect in my parent's eyes.


I was raised by weird Christy people who hate dating because then premarital sex happens. I'm a huge whore and fucked around anyway.

I went to an engineering school in Texas and it's unbelievable how often I actually saw shit like this work, but it was always mediocre foids and absolute simp guys orbiting them.

The look on his face is what really sells it.

Sexual Liberation has rotted women’s minds. It’s the equivalent of letting a 13 year old boy exchange his BB gun for a surface to air acid missile.

These aren’t normal women.

Yes they are

13 year old boy exchange his BB gun for a surface to air acid missile.

I fail to see the problem

To be fair to the foids, these are the bottom of the barrel in social intelligence of all women we are looking at.


Imagine being a female and needing a dating strategy

legit lol

I just can't believe they're serious.

There is no fucking way a self respecting man is going to put up with that kind of behavior lmao, these people are delusional

Is that sub real or satire? Am I missing something or what, I am confuse.

I think it started as a couple real ones with a bunch of LARPers and trolls feeding their delusions but most the LARPers and trolls got bored so now it's mostly true believers with a few random LARPers and trolls that weave in.

Just like the flat earthers. Started as a joke, now full of true believers.

There's at least one poster there who posted a link to her own youtube channel. She's fat and lives in Alabama, but she's for real. I wish her luck.

These are the single ladies who want to be posting in r/cuckhold or r/polywanttocheat

Execution is exactly the problem - I feel that it can come off very easily as manipulative, it's difficult to explain it in terms that would appeal to a man.

Oh my God, hahahahaha. These women are truly a strategic asset for this sub.

They need to have a big schism over a crucial aspect of their ideology. Would be great to see that.

If only they could explain it properly, everything would be solved.

These people have an awful lot of code words, also expecting someone to be enamored with you while having people on the side is retarded.

Relationships are give and take, and if all you do is take the nonretards will leave.

So they’re just going to sleep around with a bunch of random men, never maintain an actual relationship, and then demand a wedding ring?

And this is somehow meant to secure a “high value” man?

Logic has never been a foids strong point

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Rising female dating von Clausewitz... - archive.org, archive.today

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Talk about wanting to be married BUT don’t include him in the picture. Say things like ‘oo this is the type of dress I want to wear for my wedding with my husband’ any points about marriage make it seem like he is not included or apart of your future plan to get married. He will realize he’s easily disposable and fall in line


If this is brilliant to them their average iq must be around 50

Good morning

FDS has to be LARPers but if not...

Only 10s get those options

You hear me FDS?


That mole? No. That saggy tummy? No. That blotchy skin? No. That OUTIE? NO 🤮

10s only.

10s don't need it

Talk about wanting to be married BUT don’t include him in the picture. Say things like ‘oo this is the type of dress I want to wear for my wedding with my husband’ any points about marriage make it seem like he is not included or apart of your future plan to get married. He will realize he’s easily disposable and fall in line

Protip foids from a man that's getting married to a lucky girl: No "HVM" is going to fall for this, he's going to see your mind game and walk away for either that reason, or be convinced that it's clear you have no intentions of marrying him and he will begin to disengage you. The opposite of what you want.

Thathappened material from FDS

Just coping and living out their revenge fantasies