A Modest Economic Proposal

4  2020-01-28 by aduketsavar

I've been thinking hard about economy lately and I think I've come up with a great solution to poverty. Now, if you ever read an economics textbook or any basic economics book you'll see that the authors emphasise incentives. So what we should do is give poor people incentive to be rich. Here's my solution:

  1. The rich shouldn't pay any taxes. The poor should burden all the responsibility. Lower your income, higher your taxes.

  2. Medicare for the Rich: The rich shouldn't pay for medical care and the poor shouldn't be allowed on healthcare facilities.

  3. Non-Universal Basic Income: The gubermint should give every rich a monthly basic income and fund it by taking it out of poor people.

In maximum two years everyone will be rich. If it doesn't work I'm here, come and shoot me dead.


Based and retardpilled

I mean either this works or we get to shoot someone. As a burger you got my vote.

Better than trickle down and communism.

Just deport the poor.

It's about time we started taxing poverty

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. A Modest Economic Proposal - archive.org, archive.today

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I'm surprised your friend didn't remove my post due to pOIiTiCs


Didn't Vlad the Impaler do this except he just burned all the poors?

You have my vote. These filthy poors have had it good for way too long.

We already have all of this especially #3 with Quantitative Easing

I prefer the original Modest Proposal of eating human infants tbh.

We should eat the poor maybe?

My title was already a reference to Swift bb

The superior kind of swiftposting