Man does the unthinkable and pranks a foid by pretending he bought her a new vehicle, redditors convey their disgust at what they just witnessed

11  2020-01-28 by longfacepug


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Women are a sacred object please don't bully

SIMPicide when?

california literally passed a law that drastically reduced the penalty of knowingly infecting your partner with aids

people are fucking retarded

It makes sense. Because the law was knowingly if you didn’t test yourself you couldn’t be guilty. Now people have a greater incentive to test

But now other people also have a greater incentive to shove gays off roofs just in case they're spreading aids. The jihadis were just ahead of their time if you think about it.


lol girl cries for no reason, news at 8

We need a national SIMP database to wrangler these fucking redditors. SIMPs shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

simptagger when

I'm honestly shocked ''CUCKtagger'' isnt a thing already

This lmv is not treating this foid like a queen, she needs to upgrade by adopting a sweet pibble from the local shelter

Low male value?

I think so, I saw it on female dating strategy sub

It's LVM, or low value male. You mixed up the word placement.


Awwww cute flufferino pupper will bork and boof and be so happy to haz new hooman.

I’m disgusted with her reaction tbh. Why didn’t her face drop when she seen the chosen car? I would’ve about turned and said it’s the wrong colour as I walked away... keep drive it....I don’t want it........YOU DON’T EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHAT COLOUR I LIKE?!?! Relationship over because a purple car even a fake purple car would look 🤢

🤔 Alright

Nooooo She should break up with him and date a gentleman like me who has a good personality. 😡😡😡

If a woman did this to a man people wouldn’t bat an eyelid.. oh wait, a foid would never buy their male partner a gift > $150.

Obviously fake, terrible acting.

I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Man does the unthinkable and pranks... -,

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This is a hate crime


Pretty mean,not a good move.


If I did this my lady would already be calling me a retard and to take it back for whatever money before I could do the reveal.

Idk if that’s good or bad, definitely learning to budget better tho. Drinking a Labatt rn. 😒🤷🏼‍♀️

Same. It’s a good thing.

Yeah I guess. 🥵

"are you crying"

Last time I had to ask my wife that my dick was in her ass.

Stop reminiscing on your glory days boomer we don’t care where you stuck your peeper 20 years ago

I like how you give him the benefit of the doubt.

i mean, it wasnt very funny, notlol

It's a funny prank though. Mean? Yes. Still pretty funny.

Yea. What a stupid bitch for trusting her significant other and believing what he says.

lol "i just gave you a 50k vehicle for no reason!" why wouldn't someone believe that right