Male pleasure is widely underestimated

3  2020-01-29 by Kaiser-romulus


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Women experience orgasm by pissing all over the bed which is kind of based but the sole fact it’s from a 🤢gussy🤢 makes this unbased, which factually makes women orgasms INVALID

I'm not being hostile, just tired of how people are still not giving the proper care despite the virtue-signalling narrative and spreading misinformation.

And yes, I have an obsession about orgasms, so what? At least I got knowledge from that. You don't see me pointing out your BDSM fetish.

Lmao this dude will either be shooting up a high school or playing his switch on his girlfriends boyfriends snorlax pillow by the time he’s 20. This is that fabled line in the sand for extremist.

I will stim your man bean for you, brother. It’s not gay, I’m just showing you how much more satisfaction you could have.

Yes, and also a limited man. A person who nerfs himself because "that's how things are supposed to be! Why experiment when you can, you know, keep a concept such as masculinity intact and perpetrate stupid platitudes and prejudices? No homo btw".

Gotta really punch that “no homo” so no one gets the wrong idea.

women orgasms are so better and mystic and fireworks

Daily reminder that female sexual enjoyment is a myth. No women enjoys sexual intercourse.

All penis in pussy sex is rape tbh

If you look closely to Power relations permeated in our society, you'd see that heteronormative discourse and societal conditioning surrounds our everyday performances. We see that under every strata there's a power-play coming from every direction and going to every direction, which makes concepts as consent illusiory akin to "consent of masses" produced by kultur industry of capitalistic commercialist social organization and even can be said a natural extension of it. As Deleuze & Guattari noted (maybe not noted but more like implied) in A Thousand Plateau, maybe the only way of resistance is turning back to nomadic understanding of space.

Hmmm quite, very profound

the violent stabbing motions are the perfect metaphor for the oppressive male patriarchy

Wheres the lie?

Sadly, many guys are too prejudiced to let it go.

Very, very sadly. If you are to engage on self-torture, at least stop dragging others to your bucket and perpetuating misinformation.

The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Male pleasure is widely underestima... -,

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