Guess what troids, You can solve all your problems without becoming part of the 41%!

1  2020-01-29 by You-Key-Oh-Me-She-Ma


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Jews did this


  1. Guess what troids, You can solve al... -,

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Isn’t it like 50% now?

someone post that shit

Let's crank that number to 100

Powerful stuff

trap diet is eating only kit kat bars

It's why Japanese make the best traps.

is it a satire sub? Some takes are hilarious

this article is my favorite thing i've seen posted there. absolutely batshit

fecal transplant

Each day we stray further from God’s light

That's a legit treatment method for people with IBS and other intestinal problems

why don’t they just shit in the streets like a normal person

It needs to go the other way around.

the spice melange

What the fuck is that. Like I at least get the thought process behind stuff like the Paleo diet other issues aside, but we were literally never pure carnivores

You literally cannot survive on a zero carb diet because while most of your body can convert to using ketones for energy, the brain needs a small amount of glucose which it can't get without carbs.

Which explains why everyone who posts there appears to be brain-damaged.

Some people are into meme diets that give you kidney stones and cholesterol problems I guess 🤔

Ketards 😑

posts about plant based foods are not allowed


Oh my god this might have overtaken Love After Porn as my favourite sub to laugh at

I know someone who does this but he’s a roided up unironic Alex Jones can

TGTW please consider becoming like him, I don't want you to join the 41% 😢

Posts talking about eating plant foods are not permitted on this subreddit.

Even jannies can, once in a very long while, be based.