Wikipedia has some truth in it for once

1  2020-01-29 by htmlcoderexe


I eat ur gay ass reddiquette for breakfast and shit it out on Alexis Ohanian's wife stomach while having kinky sex with her


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Last edited 2 hours ago by an anonymous user

Hmm I wonder who that could be

not me but I obviously have no proof

OnlyFans is a social media service based in London, England.

Bongs proving once again that they are the peak degenerates of this planet


yeah the grammar is shit, too

A survey on done Reddit

You're really make us proud, anonymous wikipedo dramatard!

nah whoever did it before dramatards found it already made the mistake, it initially said "coomers" instead of drama users and "beast photos" instead of cuckold

I'm gonna coom

so 5% simps then

Nobody fuckin’ touch it

too late, now it's literally worse than the le reddit armie shit. Now wikipedos are gonna get alerted to the high volume of cringe edits and lock the whole thing or something lol

> But The New York Times commended OnlyFans for helping change adult entertainment work by giving control back to the performers to earn money for the content they create

Man masterbating sure is difficult content to create

man masterbating is still more difficult than woman, only complete coomers tend to manage more than twice in a row without cooldown

I meant like "Man, " not actual men masturbating. Are you gay or something retard? Doing shots at work? Day drunk?

worse, I post on /r/Drama

Bad post but how do I get your flair

I lucked out and asked nicely at the right time.

Anyway the post is now useless as the part ai linked to got edited out.