Blizzard with another out of season April Fool’s joke when outsourced cash grab remake is gutted on release. Entire sub is up in arms and, as usual, GAMERS ARE MAD.

1  2020-01-29 by companyfry


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What a let down. I’m depressed


They’re getting emotional

Assholes have no ladder, no profiles, no clans.. I am very pissed off. WC3 has always held a special place in my heart.. to see shit taken away from it is a stab in the back. My friends and I are all getting refunds. If they fix this someday I may give it a shot.. fuck them for getting my hopes up.

They targeted gamers. GAMERS.

Now this is just sad. Diablo IV is looking bleaker by the day.

It's a pure nostalgia game. Do those ever result in anything other than an angry reaction when they realise this thing isn't going to make them 13 again?

Yeah that's the problem ... not the removed features, bugs or broken promises.




we got a thread already bruh

Look I’ve been waiting for over a decade for Wintermaul to get popular again, let me seethe in my own thread 😞😞

Yeah we definitely need to get a clan goi-


Fuck you blizzard

Tbh I’m probably going to buy it anyhow because I like the regular RTS mode. Sure hope we get some footy wars, sheep tag, werewolf, and Angel Arena in the near future.

Angel arena and wintermaul wars are my jam bro.

Hell yeah. Always like regular wintermaul more than WMW though.

All the mauls are super fucking fun. Its a shame blizzard turned into EA and fucked the whole thing up.

Did you ever play one called WarcraftMaul? I would kill for a 9 man team to play that with.

Yeah dude its one of the better mauls. I fucking hope they will fix the game and make it playable.

i also quite enjoy ladder matches, got pretty versatile playing random

Footy wars were beautiful




Blessed by zoz

Zoz (pbuh) has spoken, footy is the superior custom game πŸ™

Yeah they are both lame.

I absolutely love laughing at the suffering of Gen X PC gamer bros. Every stupid decision Blizzard and other companies keep pulling leaves me with laughter in my heart and a spring in my step

Looks like we have an adult here.